Słówka 25.05.12

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Domanda English Risposta English
to get the hang of sth
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to learn how to do sth
a spate of sth/doing sth
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a sudden increase, rush of sth
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small, usually harmless peculiarity, weakness in sb's character
to peter out
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to become less/fewer, kończyć się, wyczerpywać się, zanikać
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easily made angry, gniewliwy, wybuchowy
to potter on
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to work in an unhurried way
without demur
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without objecting or hasitating
to float an idea
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to suggest, present for discussion
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not constant
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a snag
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a small problem
a snippet of information
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urywek (rozmowy), fragment (książki), strzęp (człowieka), skrawek (np. materiału), odrobina (czegoś), a piece
a pert youngster
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zuchwały, łobuzerski, szelmowski, jędrny (o częściach ciała), żwawy
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intending to be amusing but in an inappropriate way
to pay lip-service
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gołosłowne poparcie, when you say you accept sth but your own opinion is totally different
to tire sth/doing sth
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to stop interesting in sth, find it boring
to model oneself on sb
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to try to be like this person
to renounce doing sth
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to stop, repudiate, abandon
to desist from
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to stop, to cease, wstrzymywać (się od czegoś), zaniechać, zaprzestawać
to wrench a joint
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to twist
to strain one's eyes/sb's patience
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to put too much pressure on sth
to be racked with pain
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to cause suffering, agony
to sprain
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... one's ankle - twist it
a spire
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a sharply pointed object, szczyt (góry), czubek (drzewa), iglica (wieży)
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skin, cera, karnacja
sth is acclaimed as sth
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zyskać uznanie, publicznie chwalić, praise sb, gain applause
to rave
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to tall about sth in exaggerated way, miotać (o burzy) szaleć (o żywiole), hulać (o wietrze), bredzić, majaczyć, mówić nielogicznie, zachwycać się
to pluck
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to remove sth by pulling, e.g. regulować brwi
to drag on
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to pass tediously, lasting too long
to hoist
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to lift sth with an effort
to wink
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mrugnąć okiem
to glare
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to look at sb angrily, to sent sb an angry look
to peer though a keyhole
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to look at sth briefly
to eye sb up
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to look at sb from top to bottom, otaksować kogoś wzrokiem
to ponder
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to think about sth long and carefully
to discriminate between
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to distinguish between
to weigh
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to analyse and access
to deem sb beautiful
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to regard, consider to be beautiful
to clatter
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loud noise
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silnik dwusuwowy
to titter
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to laugh shortly, in a nervous way
to tinkle
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to produce short, soft sounds, dzwonienie (np. dzwonka), dźwięczenie, brzęczenie
to revere
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to respect greatly
to huddle
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to get close to each other
to squat
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to live in abandon building illegally, sit on the back of one's feet
to hunch one's shoulders
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kulić (się), garbić (się)
to stoop
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schylać (się), pochylać (się)
to sneer
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to look at sb with contempt
to scowl
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to send sb highly contemptuous look
to stack
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to range things into a file

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