Słówka 23.04

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Domanda English Risposta English
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dirty and unwashed, brudny (o miejscu), niechlujny (o ubraniu)
accommodate to sth
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adjust to sth
to have a finger in every pie
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to be involved in everything is happening
to strain
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to stretch by pulling
to strain pasta
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odcedzać makaron
to home in on
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to move in specified direction
to feel at home
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to drive one's message home
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explain, repeat, insist on my understanding it
to sidle up to
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approach in a way that suggest nervousness or shyness, przysuwać się niespostrzeżenie
to repel
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to drive back, make sb feel disgusted
to feel entranced
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filled with great emotions as if by magic
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pokuta, punishment
to unlearn sth
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to forget, make sth no longer in your present knowledge
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system of beliefs made b human beings,
to portend
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przepowiadać, zapowiadać, zwiastować, wróżyć, to be a sign or warning of sth unpleasant
to evince
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to exhibit, przejawiać, przejawić, świadczyć (np. inteligencję, talent)
to align
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to place things in a straight line
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mistaken belief of sth
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czułostkowość, ckliwość, nonsens, bzdura, of writing
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nonsense, brednie, bzdury, stek bzdur
to crack down on sth
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to become stricter in order to control sth undesirable
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not real, fałszywy, podrabiany, zmyślony, fikcyjny, udawany
to waffle on about sth
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to talk, ride a great length without seeing anything important
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nonsense, bzdura
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showy, draws attention, of no value, paplanina, puste słowa
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to pour scorn at/on sb
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odnieść się z pogardą do kogoś
roaring success
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everybody talks about this success
to quench one's thirst
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to satisfy one's thirst
to elude
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to escape, wymknąć, wymykać się, ominąć, omijać (uciekać od kogoś, od czegoś)
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move back from a statement
to derail
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to go out of track (train), (mind) become crazy
to pay a flying visit
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to visit sth shortly
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daremny, próżny (trud)
to linger on sth
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to remain in small quantities, to be slow to move
to make a stab at it
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to attempt to reach sth
to exert
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to try really hard
to deputize for sb
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zastępować (kogoś wyższego rangą)
with regard to...
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as far as...
to have recourse to sth
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to turn for support/help
to inhibit sb from
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to make sb stop behaving naturally for him
to pose a problem to sb
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stanowić problem
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available rarely, in small quantities
to rise to any occasion
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to show abilities when required
to be at variance with sb
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to be in disagreement with sb
to give sb a cursory book
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hurried, not throughout
in a hasty manner
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speedily, not taking care
a plot of land
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kawałek ziemi
a lost cause
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not worth presuming
to lurk
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to stay hidden in order to attack
to lure
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to attract
to lurch
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to stagger, uchylać się, schodzić na bok, chwiać się
to launch
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rozpocząć (akcję, kampanię), wodować, uruchomić
reminiscent of
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making sb remember nice things from the past
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remaining part of sth
in one's good graces
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to excel at sth
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wyróżniać się w czymś, być w czymś lepszym od innych, to be really good at sth
to indulge
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pozwalać sobie (na coś), dogadzać zaspokajać (potrzeby), zażywać (np. wolności, swobody) dawać upust (np. nerwom), dopuszczać się (np. przestępstwa) rozpieszczać (np. dzieci)
to feast one's eyes at sb
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to enjoy one's beauty
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instance of being trustful
to uphold
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to maintain, keep sth valid
to deploy
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to use efficiently
to exert pressure on sn
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okazywać, używać (np. siły, wpływów)
it's only anybody's guess
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no one knows what will happen
clairvoyant mind
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able to see though future
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to indict
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oskarżać, stawiać w stan oskarżenia
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unfortunate conditions, happenings
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ujrzeć, spostrzec, spostrzegać
to partake of sth
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to eat or drink a part of sth
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dirty and unpleasant, niechlujny, obskurny (o pomieszczeniu)
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things that make you remember sth
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things to commemorate sb
to dispel
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cause one's fear to go
to deprecate
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to disapprove strongly
to dissent
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mieć odmienne zdanie, odcinać się, zaoponować, odstąpić, odstępować (np. od panującej religii)
to disentangle
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to resolve
to renounce
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to give up on sb, to say that do not want to deal with sth
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bagging, earnest asking
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useful, practical
to fall short
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not to meet (sb's expectations)
to lay bare
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to reveal, obnażać coś, odsłaniać co
to run low
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not to have much
to come clean
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to ell everything
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kind, friendly, helpful
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not in harmony, out of place
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cannot be proven wrong, nie do obalenia
to use up
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has more than one meaning
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kind, gentle
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eccentric, strange
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noisy, burzliwy, wzburzony, gwałtowny (np. morze, fale, wiatr)
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likely to dominate
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awkward to move
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economical, not likely to spend much money
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extremely unpleasant, wstrętny, okropny, ohydny
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kluczowy, decydujący, zasadniczy, essential, central
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can be believed
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depending on a chance, insecure
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smart, wise, bystry, sprytny, przebiegły
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gorliwy (o osobie), usilny (o staraniach), exhausting
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likely to develop, operate successfully

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