Słówka 20.04

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Domanda English Risposta English
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transmitting TV programme; sawing seeds broadly, by hand
the grass-roots
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the ordinary people
to defuse
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to desactivate
to render
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wyrządzić, wyświadczyć, zaproawiać (cementem), wytapiać tłuszcz (... down), to cause sth to be in a particular state
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no longer fashionable
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present everywhere
to commission
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to recuperate
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to recover after an illness
to concede
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to state, to admit (... defeat)
to conjure
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to form a picture of sth in one's mind
answerable to sb
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responsible to sb
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opposing, reakcjonista (przeciwnik zmian społecznych i politycznych)
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can be perceived
to depose a king
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obalić króla
to facilitate
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to make sth easier
to deploy
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to use effectively (resources, argument)
to invigorate
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to refresh
to adjust
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przystosowywać się, dopasowywać się (do jakiejś sytuacji)
to revive
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odnawiać, wznawiać, wskrzeszać
to deplete
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to make sth smaller, uszczuplać, wyczerpywać, redukować
to decline
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to get worse, to refuse (e.g. sb's invitation)
to enact
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to make a law, perform (law, play)
in the manner of sth
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in the form of sth
break out of
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escape (phv)
call for
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require (phv)
to run sb down
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to criticise unfairly (phv)
go on
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keep on doing sth (phv)
ask out
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invite (phv)
put up
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build (phv)
to gorw out of
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to become mature enough to abandon e.g. one's hobby or toys (phv)
blow up
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to enlarge, rozdmuchać, rozdmuchiwać (np. problem), powiększyć, powiększać (np. zdjęcie), wysadzić w powietrze (phv)
bring round
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to convince
come off
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to be successful (phv)
drop out of
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to withdraw from sth(phv)
give in
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to surrender (phv)
leak out
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to become known (phv)
make up for
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to compensate for(phv)
put up
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to beuid (phv)
sound out
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to tell bad things about sb(phv)
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vulgar, rough on the surface
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bringing benefits
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splendid, magnificent
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brave, fearless
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too great to resist or overcome
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creative, płodny (pisarz, malarz), wyborowy, doskonały (o strzelcu, np. piłkarzu)
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determined, zdecydowany, stanowczy (o człowieku), niezachwiana (wiara)
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up-to-date, of current interest or relevance
to send sth into orbit
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wysłać cos na orbitę
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sharing mutually
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nachlany, naćpany

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