Słówka 18.06.12

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Domanda English Risposta English
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dull, sluggish
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to be in a state of ... odrętwienie, letarg, otępienie
to fizzle out
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to fail in a disappointing way
to profess
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to claim that sth is true but often falsely (utrzymywać)
to blow one's top
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to loose one's temper
a pundit
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an authority in a subject, expert
a locum
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a deputee acting for a doctor or priest in their absence
to be unnerving in causes
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to loose self-control, confidence
to wrought
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instance of dividing country into smaller one's
to shred
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characteristic object that helps locate oneself
odds and ends
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useless things
to shatter
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niszczyć (zdrowie), rozwiewać (złudzenia), burzyć (marzenia)

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