Słówka 16.04

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Domanda English Risposta English
to chip in
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to tribute money, składać się, zrzucać się (na coś)
to project sth
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to present to others, attract their attention
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connected but less important or additional, w linii bocznej, drugorzędny, podrzędny
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dorosły jeleń
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free to go
a sight for sore eyes
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sth that you are pleased to see, comforts you
to see to sth
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to take care of it, attend to it
to see the light
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to become known to the public (of documents)
a take on
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interpretation, assessment
the rub
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difficulty, drawback
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person that receives sth
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person that gives
to come of age
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to become an adult
to be poised to do/have sth
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to be ready for action/be about to do sth
to be grounded in sth
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to be based on, have a firm basis
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person (young one) that shows unnatural, exceptional talent/abilities
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instance of being famous and distinguished
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for that reason
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glowing/shining when heated, żarzący się, rozżarzony, płonący białym światłem, płomienny, żarliwy (np. o uczuciu)
to phase sth in/out
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to gradually introduce/redraw
to glow
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to send out light without flame
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