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a drink
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a amount of money that you owe
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a share of profits of a company
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company shares that can be bought and sold on a stock market
limited company
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a company that is responsible for the debts of its owner
public limited company
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a company that people can invest money in
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selling goods directly to the public for their own use
sole trader
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a company that belongs to one owner who is responsible for the debt of his bussines
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a person who sells a particular product or service
bear market
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the prices of shares on the stock market are falling
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a document you give to smn that invests money in g or c, promising to pay back the money with interest
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a point in which a business operation no longer loses money and makes profit
bull market
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prices of shares are rising
greater fool investor
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smn who buys shares at high prices and believes that there are people who buy them for even higher prices
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smn who invents or begins using new ideas, methods, equipment
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when smth is at its highest level
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to fall quickly from a high position
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a period when trade and industry are not successful
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a product that is being used regulary
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a period when smth that rises and falls is at a low level
value investor
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smn who buys stocks they believe the market has undervalued

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