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solid waste that comes out of your body from your bowels
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very bad, unpleasant, or nasty
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a shitty job
very drunk, wasted
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1. An automobile that is in poor condition. 2. An automobile that is prone to breaking down frequently.
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a place that is very dirty and unpleasant
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someone who stirs up drama, usually for no reason
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shit distruber
I don't care
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I don't give a shit. I could give two shits.
You frightened me very badly.
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You scared the shit out of me.
OR: You scared the hell out of me. You scared the crap out of me. You scared the devil out of me.
deceitful or dishonest
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full of shit
Are you lying?
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Are you shitting me?
To say something insulting or rude about another person, either to their face or behind their back.
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to talk shit
Stop talking shit.
something that is stupid and completely untrue/ rubbisz
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BS stands for bullshit: man! MTV plays so much BS these days.
Forget all that bullshit and listen to me! What he told me was a load of bullshit.

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