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Domanda English Risposta English
making negative comments about a person's body in public (n)
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body shaming
having a lot of muscles (adj.)
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She's got big, muscly legs.
having characteristics that are traditionally thought to be typical of or suitable for men (adj.)
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a masculine appearance/voice
rude and offensive words said to another person (n)
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"Idiot!" is a term of abuse.
a large group of people (n)
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A big crowd of demonstrators were protesting against cuts in health spending.
to give a spoken statement of an opinion or thought (v)
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(n) He addressed a few remarks to the audience.
He remarked that she was looking thin.
sth that is said formally and officially (n)
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The candidate made a statement to the press.
very bad and shocking (adj.)
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a horrific accident
say no (v)
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She asked him for a loan, but he refused.
support (n)
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Some athletes get contracts for product endorsements worth millions of dollars.
to be made to feel unhappy about sth (phr)
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be brought down
exciting and slightly shocking, especially because of relating to or suggesting sex (adj.)
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racy swimwear

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