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Nie oglądam Star Wars
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I don't watch Star Wars
Nie oglądałam Star Wars
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I didn't watch Star Wars
Nie zjadła jajecznicy
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She didn't eat scrambled eggs.
Nie pomogli nam
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They didn't help us.
Nie miałam czasu.
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I didn't have time
To pudełko od mojej babci.
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It's a box from my grandmother.
Zjadła czekoladki.
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She ate chocolates.
Dała mi pudełko.
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She gave me the box.
Chcę zrobić sklep.
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I want to make a shop.
Chcę sprzedawać ciastka.
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I want to sell cookies.
Anakin jest na ciemnej stronie mocy.
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Anakin is on the dark side of the force.
Dom Anakina wygląda jak iglo.
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Anakin's house looks like an igloo.
Jaka jest różnica?
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What is the difference?
Nie chcę być królową galaktyki.
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I don't want to be queen of the galaxy.

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