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procedura, proces
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numer wewnętrzny
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extension number
połączyć, przełączyć
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put sb through
Could you put me through wit Mr Smith?
zwolnić kogoś z pracy
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make sb redundant
He was made redundant because he wasn't good enough for this job.
obciążyć za dostawę
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charge for delivery
płacić podatek od towarów
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pay tax on goods
ponosić koszty
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incur costs
pokrywać koszty dostawy
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cover delivery costs
z góry (np. płatność) (nieformalnie)
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up front
If you pay up front, we will give you a bigger discount.
jeśli tylko, pod warunkiem, o ile
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as long as, provided, providing, on condition that
I can pay you as long as you help me. I can pay you provided you help me.
chętny, skłonny do zrobienia
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willing to
We are willing to support you.
pokryć koszty ubezpieczenia
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cover insurance costs
kurs wymiany walut
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exchange rate
I calculated the price at the average EUR exchange rate.
w ciągu 5 dni
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in 5 days, withing 5 days
do godz. 10ej
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by 10 o'clock, until 10 o'clock
mieć na myśli
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have in mind
What do you have in mind? What changes do you have in mind?
uścisnąć z kimś dłonie
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shake hands with someone
Let's shake on the deal.
być odpowiedzialnym za coś, zarządzać czymś
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be in charge of
I'm in charge of this project. She's in charge of 5 people.
prowadzić firmę
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run a company
How long have you run this company?
zatrudnić, wynająć (od kogoś)
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We will have to hire an accountant.
przeszkadzać, przerywać
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Don't interrupt me when I'm talking.
biuro bez ścian działowych, otwarte
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open-plan office
znaczący, ważny
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This is a significant change. We should discuss it.
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This change will significantly influence the machine work.
rozszerzyć działalność na Europę
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expand into Europe
niezdolny, nie będący w stanie (czegoś zrobić)
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We are unable to conduct the test of this machine this week.
odmówić, odrzuć (propozycję, zaproszenie)
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turn down, reject
I have to turn down your job offer.
odnosić się do
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refer to
I'd like to refer to the proposal made in your last e-mail.
przepływy pieniężne
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cash flow, cash-flow, cashflow
We've had some cash flow problems recently.
postaw się na naszym miejscu
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put yourself in our shoes
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We've ecceeded our monthly target.
żaden z nich
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none of them
None of them came to the meeting.
zapewniać kogoś
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I can assure you that the parts in this machine are of best quality.
pozwól, że zaproponuję kompromis
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Let me suggest a compromise
z mojego punktu widzenia, moim zdaniem
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from my point of view
konkretny, precyzyjnie określony
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cechy charakterystyczne
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propozycja wykonalności
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proposal of feasibility
wykonanie zmian
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performance of changes
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I'd like to establish a partnership with your company
zatwierdzona data
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validated date
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commitment / obligation
nalegać na
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insist on sth
wyniki, osiągi
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performance, results
He evaluated the performance of the company.
przedstawić, przedkładać (np. ofertę)
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dążyć do
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pursue, I'm pursuing my dream figure
stawać się
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become - became - become
this is becoming funny
obsługiwanie, posługiwanie się
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handling, use of
konieczny, niezbędny
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necessary, indispensable
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We have rather good experience in this
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niezdecydowanie, wahanie
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indecision, hesitation
Your hesitation is a sign of weakness
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I appreciate your interest in our problems.
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I'd like to welcome you in our company.
chciałabym poinformować
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Just wanted to let you know / I'd like to inform you
zgodnie z czymś
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as per
They work as per the law
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a mistake, bug
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deploy, implement
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cieszę się że moge potwierdzić
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I am pleased to confirm
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to share, divide

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