rozmowa kwalifikacyjna_zwroty

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Let me think
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niech pomyślę
How shall I put it?
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jak by to ująć?
If you ask me, I think
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jeśli chodzi o mnie, uważam że
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To be honest,
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szczerze mówiąc
The point is that
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chodzi o to, że
It seems to me that
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wydaje mi się, że
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From my point of view
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moim zdaniem
As far as I’m concerned
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jeśli chodzi o mnie
What I mean is that
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chodzi mi o to, że
I trust that
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ufam, że
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poza tym
for instance
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na przykład
Could you repeat the question?
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Czy może Pan/Pani powtórzyć pytanie?
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co więcej
It depends
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On the one hand
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z jednej strony
On the other hand
inizia ad imparare
z drugiej strony

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