PYTANIA - ask about the words in [square brackets].

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He saw Tomek [yesterday].
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When did he see Tomek?
She will [call us] tomorrow.
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What will she do tomorrow?
They've worked there [for 3 years.]
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How long have they worked there?
I'm going [to the sawmill].
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Where are you going?
She fired [Darek].
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Who did she fire?
He comes to Wielbark [twice a year].
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How often does he come to Wielbark?
We are going to [have a WebEx] now.
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What are you going to do now?
I was [on a sick leave.]
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Where were you?
[Yes], we were happy with the result.
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Were you happy with the result?
He is talking [with Zenek].
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Who is he talking with?
We have [100 cubic metres] in stock?
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How much do you have in stock?
We will buy a new sanding machine [next month].
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When will you buy a new sanding machine?
[Yes], there is enough time.
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Is there enough time?
[No,] Kasia isn't here today.
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Is Kasia here today?
We employ [good specialists].
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Who do you employ?
I have known Radek [for 5 years].
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How long have you known Radek?

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