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na krześle/w fotelu
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in a chair/armchair
I remember him sitting in this armchair.
w łóżku
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in bed
Still in bed? It's time to get up!
na świecie
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in the world
These are the best muffins in the world.
na środku ulicy
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in the middle of the road
Watch out! There is a broken vehicle in the middle of the road.
na północy / południu / wschodzie / zachodzie
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in the north / south / east / west
Cracow isn't in the west of Poland.
na niebie
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in the sky
There are so many beautiful stars in the sky.
z czasem
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in time
In time we got used to our neighbour's dog.
na czas
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in time (for)
We arrived in time for the lecture.
w końcu
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in the end
In the end he stood up and shouted: "That's it, you liar!"
w rogu
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in the corner
Can you see the mouse over there sitting in the corner?
w szpitalu
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in hospital
He is in hospital after a terrible accident he had last week.
w więzieniu
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in prison
Don't tell anyone but I've been in prison for 5 years.
w deszczu / słońcu / cieniu
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in the rain / sun / shade
I'm singing in the rain...
moim zdaniem
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in my opinion
In my opinion you should give up smoking, mum.
pisać atramentem / ołówkiem
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(write) in ink / pencil
Please, don't write in pencil during the test.
w niebezpieczeństwie
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in danger
I'm afraid your son is in danger.
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in cash
You have to pay in cash in that shop.
w przyszłości
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in the future
My brother will become an astronaut in the future.
w odpowiedzi (na)
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in answer (to)
In answer to your letter we're sending you the invoice.
po angielsku
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in English
How can I understand the letter? It's in English!
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in general
In general, I don't like animals.
parami, w parach
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in pairs
We are going to do the exercise in pairs.
innymi słowy
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in other words
How to say "mean" in other words?
w dodatku
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in addition to
In addition to arriving late she forgot to bring the note we had asked for.
z wyprzedzeniem
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in advance
You should book these tickets in advance.
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in brief
Could you tell me in brief what has just happened?
w centrum
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in the centre of
The hotel is in the centre of the city.
(być) odpowiedzialnym za
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(be) in charge of
Who is in charge of this project?
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in common
We get on well because we have a lot in common, I guess.
w porównaniu z
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in comparison with
It is more interesting in comparison with your last novel.
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in conclusion
In conclusion, it was a very successful enterprise.
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in detail
Could you describe it to me in detail?
w zamian za
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in exchange for
I'll give you 10$ in exchange for this.
w rzeczywistości
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in fact
No wonder they got themselves killed. It is in fact a dangerous route.
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in fashion
Are long skirts still in fashion?
(być) za (być zwolennikiem)
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(be) in favour of
All in favour of capital punishment raise your hands.
na pół
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in half
Should I cut the apple in half?
w pośpiechu
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in a hurry
My parent are always in a hurry.
zakochany w
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in love with
I'm in love with my friend's girlfriend, I'm afraid.
w międzyczasie
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in the meantime
Try to water the flowers and in the meantime I'll do the dishes.
w imię
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in the name of
They acted in the name of justice.
krótko (mówiąc)
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in a nutshell
Let me put it in a nutshell: "I am leaving."
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in order to
I wrote it down in order not to forget.
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(be) in pain
The soldier was in such pain that he couldn't stand it any more.
w szczególności
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in particular
I like sweets, ice-cream in particular.
w przeszłości
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in the past
In the past I swam a lot.
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in person
Do I have to pick up the package in person?
w zasadzie
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in principle
In principle we don't allow children in here.
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in theory/practice
In theory everything is possible.
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in public/private
I need to talk to you in private.
w trakcie
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in progress
The work is still in progress.
w zamian
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in return
What will I get in return?
w obronie własnej
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in self-defence
Yes, I killed him but it was in self-defence.
na ulicy
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in the street
Do you really want to end up living in the street?
w kontakcie
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in touch
Bye. We'll be in touch.
po kolei
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in turn
Could you speak in turn, please?
na próżno
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in vain
Don't cry in vain.
o którym mowa
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in question
The man in question was absent that day.

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