Project 3, UNIT 3, student book, page 36-39

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he died yesterday
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zmarł wczoraj
there was a shot
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był strzał
Was it an accident?
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Czy to był wypadek?
He was lying on the floor.
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Leżał na podłodze.
gun next to him
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pistolet obok niego
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odciski palców
empty cup
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pusty kubek
handle of the door
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uchwyt drzwi, klamka
broken plate
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pęknięty talerz
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there were 5 people in the house.
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5 osób było w domu.
repair the car
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naprawiać samochod
peel potatoes
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ziemniaki obierać
sit at the desk
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siedzieć przy biurku
clean the gun
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wyczyścić pistolet
set the table
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nakryć do stołu
he heard the shot
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usłyszał strzał
drop the plate
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upuścić talerz
perhaps, he stole her jewels.
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Być może, on ukradł jej biżuterię.
she left the room to answer the phone
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wyszła z pokoju, aby odebrać telefon
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lazy Sunday morning
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leniwy niedzielny poranek
come round to my place
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wpadnij do mnie
that sounds interesting
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że brzmi interesująco
sort of soap opera
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rodzaj telenoweli
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postać w filmie
it looks cool
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wygląda fajnie
what do you mean?
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co masz na myśli?
you must be joking!
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Chyba żartujesz!
that sounds fantastic
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to brzmi fantastycznie
dog called Stinky
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pies zwany Stinky
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Are you doing anything at the moment?
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Czy robisz coś w tej chwili?
go out with Frank
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randkować z Frankiem
it`s sort of detective story
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to rodzaj kryminału
Sure, here it is.
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Pewnie, jest tutaj.
it looks delicious.
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wygląda pysznie.
I was ill last week.
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Byłem chory w zeszłym tygodniu.
it sounds boring
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brzmi nudno
it sounds exciting
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brzmi to ekscytująco
it looks dangerous
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wygląda niebezpieczne
we had a great time.
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spędziliśmy znakomicie czas.

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