present simple / present continuous

 0    11 schede    Humoreska
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Jason is not coming with us this evening.
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PC bliska przyszłość "this evening"
What does this sign mean?
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PS czasownik "mean"
We usually meet at the sports centre.
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PS zwyczaj "usually"
Greg is training for the next Olympic Games.
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PC akcja w teraźniejszości
He's very rich. He owns a department store.
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PS uogólnienie, czasownik "own"
John and Mary are playing chess at the moment.
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PC "at the moment"
Peter doesn't usually have eggs for breakfast.
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PS "usually"
My father buys a newspaper every day.
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PS "every day"
They aren't going to Mexico tomorrow.
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PC bliska przyszłość "tomorrow"
Do you speak English?
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PS uogólnienie
He speaks French.
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PS uogólnienie

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