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Domanda English Risposta English
deal in
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trade in sth
He deals in antique furniture.
deal with
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tackle a problem, cope with
How do you deal with a class?
do away with
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abolish/ get rid of
This law should have been done away with tears ago.
do down
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You shouldn't do down your classmates.
be done for
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be in serious trouble
I'm done for! Here comes my Maths teacher.
do out of
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deprive of
do up
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do with
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need/would like
I could do with a cup of tea.
do without
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manage in spite of lack of sth
Suraly you can do without sugar in your coffee?
drive at
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imply, suggest
What were you driving at when you said you might not see Mark for some time?
keep an eye on sth
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guard/protect sth
be green
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be inexperienced
take it easy
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not work too hard, relax
feel one's ears burning
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have a feeling that sb is talking about one
(keep) a straight face
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manage to look serious
be worn out
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be very tired
one's flesh and blood
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family member
fair and square
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within the rules
in a flash
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very quickly
put one's foot down
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