Pogoda 3

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The weather is the most neutral topic of conversation.
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Pogoda to najbardziej neutralny temat rozmowy.
weather phenomena / weather phenomenon
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zjawiska pogodowe / pogoda zjawisko
weather conditions
Due to severe weather conditions all the flights were cancelled.
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warunki atmosferyczne
Z powodu złych warunków atmosferycznych wszystkie loty zostały odwołane.
weather forecast
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prognoza pogody
weather report
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prognoza pogody
weather chart/map
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Wykres pogody / mapa
weather breaks
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przerwy pogodowe
weather worsens
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pogorszenie pogody
weather warms up
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ocieplenie pogody
weather improves
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poprawa pogody
weather continues
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kontynuacja pogody
weather sets in
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Zestawy pogodowe
weather prevents
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uniemożliwia pogoda
The weather prevents us from continuing our journey.
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Pogoda uniemożliwia nam kontynuować naszą podróż.
weather allows
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pogoda na to pozwala
weather permits
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pozwala na to pogoda
a spell of weather
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zaklęcie pogody
A spell of good weather can be expected in the north-west of the country.
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Zaklęcie dobrej pogody można spodziewać się w północno-zachodniej części kraju.
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niestały, zmienny
unseasonal weather
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niesezonowa pogoda
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reliable weather
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niezawodna pogoda
inhospitable weather
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niegościnna pogoda
dreadful weather
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okropna pogoda
nasty weather
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paskudna pogoda
clear weather
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ładna pogoda
calm weather
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bezwietrznej pogodzie
fine weather
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dobrej pogodzie
lovely weather
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piękny pogoda
It's going to rain.
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To będzie padać.
It looks like a storm is coming.
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To wygląda jak burza nadchodzi.
It will be a rainy day tommorow.
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To będzie deszczowy dzień jutro.
A strong hurricane will be moving from the east to the west of the city tomorrow between 6 and 7 p.m.
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Silny huragan będzie przechodził ze wschodu na zachód od miasta jutro pomiędzy 6 a 7 pm

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