Podstawowe zwroty i frazy część 14

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niewarte funta kłaków
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not worth twopence
niewarte pójścia
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not worth going
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undoubtedly; doubtless: no doubt; without doubt; beyond doubt
a doubtless fact
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niewiele jej brakuje do pięćdziesiątki
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little miss her forties; she is not far off fifty
niewiele na to wskazuje; są tylko słabe oznaki tego
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there is little sign of it
niewiele; niewielu
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a small number
Mały ptaszek usiadł na gałęzi i pięknie zaśpiewał.
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A little bird sat on the branch and sang beautifully.
niewielu więcej
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few more
niewiele więcej
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a little more; little else
niewinne kłamstwo
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white lie
niewłaściwy adres
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wrong address
niewygodna tajemnica rodzinna
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uncomfortable family secret
niezadługo; wkrótce; niebawem; wnet
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before long
Mecz zakończył się rozczarowującym wynikiem 2-2
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The game ended with a disappointing score of 2–2.
niezależnie od okoliczności
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irrespective of the fact
niezależny od
Dziś John jest całkowicie niezależny.
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independent of
And John today is fully independent.
Wczorajszy koncert był zapadającym w pamięć wydarzeniem.
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Yesterday's concert was a memorable event.
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trustworthy, someone to rely on
niezbyt dobrze
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not very well
niezliczoną ilość razy
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countless times
niezła myśl
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not a bad idea
niezła myśl ale
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nice thought but
To naprawdę dobra książka.
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It’s a really good book.
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good enough
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not really
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extraordinary country page
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These cars are uncommon in Poland.
nieźle się znam na
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I'm not too bad at
nieźle sobie radzisz
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You're doing pretty well
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I never go to school on Saturdays.
nigdy ci się nie odwdzięczę
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I can never thank you enough
nigdy mi nie przyszło do głowy (aby)
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I never even thought (to)
nigdy nie myślałem o
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I never thought about
nigdy nie wiadomo
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you never know
nigdy nie zapomnę
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I will never forget
nigdy nie zgadniesz
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you'll never guess
nigdy przedtem
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never before
nigdy więcej!
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never again!
nigdzie indziej
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nowhere else
nikomu ani słowa
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not a word to anybody
nikomu nie wolno
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no one is allowed
to bylo pierwszy raz kiedy ktokolwiek poprosil mnie zebym to zrobił
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It was the first time anybody had ever asked me to do that
nikt cię nie zmusza do
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no one is forcing you to
nikt prócz
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none but
nikt tylko
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only one
nikt z nas
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none of us
niż potrzeba
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than needed
niż jest potrzebne
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than is needed
no i co?
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so what?
Roy boasted that he was in the sixth grade, but Ted said, 'So what? I am in Junior High'.
no i co z tego?
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so what of it?
Roy boasted that he was in the sixth grade, but Ted said, 'So what? I am in Junior High'.
no już dobrze
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it's all right
no nie bądź taki
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don't be like that
no, no!
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well, well!
no tak, ale
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well, but
no tak ale; w porządku ale
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that's all very well but
No to ruszamy
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Here we go
no to uzgodniliśmy
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so we're agreed
no to zdrowie!
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good health!
no więc, o co chodzi?
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well then, what's the problem?
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nowiusieński; fabrycznie nowy
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brand new
nowoczesny; modny; aktualny; bez zaległości
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up to date
Nowy Świat (Ameryka)
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The New World
numer pierwszy; numer jeden; najważniejszy
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number one

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