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I would like to use the internet
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Chciałbym skorzystać z internetu
Good luck
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Everything is ready
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Wszystko jest gotowe
She really likes it
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Ona bardzo to lubi
Would you like something to eat?
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Chciałbyś coś do jedzenia?
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Na zdrowie
What does it mean?
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Co to znaczy?
Do you want to go to the cinema?
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Czy chcesz iść do kina?
Is there anyone else going?
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Czy ktoś jeszcze idzie?
How does it spell?
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Jak to przeliterować?
How long will it take?
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Jak długo to zajmie?
Could you repeat that?
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Czy mógłbyś powtórzyć?
I would like a room with two beds
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Poproszę pokój z dwoma łóżkami
I'm ready
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Jestem gotowy
Is your father at home?
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Czy twój ojciec jest w domu?
How long have you been here?
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Jak długo już tu jesteś?
When do we leave?
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Kiedy wyjeżdżamy?
Can I get a glass of water
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Mogę dostać szklankę wody
Anything else?
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Coś jeszcze?
You're welcome
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Proszę bardzo
I have not decided
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Jeszcze nie zdecydowałem
Can I try it on?
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Czy mogę to przymierzyć?
Please take me to the airport
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Proszę zabrać mnie na lotnisko
I'll tell him you called
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Powiem mu, że dzwoniłeś
There are 6 in the morning
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Jest 6 rano
How much does it cost?
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Ile to kosztuje?
Where is the ATM?
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Gdzie jest bankomat?
Why did you do that?
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Dlaczego to zrobiłeś?
I want to buy something
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Chcę coś kupić
I've seen it
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Widziałem to

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