Piotrek 27th April 2015

 0    16 schede    pkempkiewicz
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Jeśli chodzi o twój komputer...
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When it comes to your computer ... / As for your computer...
Jeśli chodzi o nasze kolejne spotkanie,...
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As for our next meeting, ... / When it comes to our next meeting,...
wystawić komuś fakturę
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I'll invoice you for the service by Friday.
to invoice sb
rozumienie ze słuchu / rozumienie tekstu czytanego
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to comprehend
listening comprehension / reading comprehension
tamtego dnia
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on that day
tamten dzień
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that day
ten dzień
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this day
tego dnia
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on this day
to kwestia czasu
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it's a matter of time
być w stresie
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to be under stress
Janet's been under a lot of stress since her mum got sick.
przez przypadek
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by chance
I bumped into her quite by chance in Oxford Street.
między innymi
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among other things
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to quit - quit - quit
spełnić czyjeś oczekiwania
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to meet sb's expectations
kwestie finansowe
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jeśli chodzi o czas
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Time-wise we're not doing too badly.

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