Phrasal verbs

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Catch up with
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reach the same point as
Check in
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register at a hotel or an airport
Check out
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leave a hotel; investigate
Drop off
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let someone get out of a vehicle; fall asleep
Get back
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return from a place
Go away
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go on holiday
Keep up with
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stay at the same point; level as
Make for
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go in the direction of
Pick up
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stop in a vehicle to give someone a lift
Run over
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hit with a car
See off
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go to a train station etc to see someone leave
Set out, off
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start a journey
Take off
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leave the ground
Turn round
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go back in the opposite direction
Bring forward
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Change the date; time of an event so it happens eaelier
Carry on
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Get round to
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start (after planning to do sth for a long time)
Get up to
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do; do sth you should not do
Go in for
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enter (a competition, etc) like
Go off
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stop liking
Join in
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participate, take part
Knock out
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defat and remove from a competition; make unconscious
Look out
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be careful
Pull out
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stop being involved in an activity
Put off
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delay, postpone
Put up with
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Take to
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start (as a habit)
Take up
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start (a hobby, sport etc) fill an amount of space>time
break down
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stop working (for machine)
carry out
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perform an experiment
come off
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come on
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develop or make progres
come up with
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think of (an idea, a plan)
cut off
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stop the supply of sth
find out
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discower information
give off
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produce sth such as heat or a smell
narrow down
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reduce the namber of possibilities
plug in
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connect ti the electricity supply
put through
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connect by phone
turn into
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change into sth different
turn off
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stop a machine working
work out
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find the solution to a problem
bring up
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zaczynać dyskusję
come on
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start to be brodcast rozpocząc nadawanie
come out
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be published
fill in
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add information in the soaces on a document
flick through
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turn and look at the pages of a magazine etc quickly
go into
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deal with sth in detail
hand out
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give things to people ina group (f.e. on the street)
Look up
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try to find information in a book or list etc
make out
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pretend that sth is true,; see, hear or unfrestand sb or sth with dificulty
make up
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invent an explanation
see through
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recognise that sth is not true and not be tricked by it
stand out
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be easy to see because of being different
turn over
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turn a page so that the other side is towards you
ask after
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ask for newa about
bring up
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look after a child until becomes an adult
fall for
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fall in love with, believe
fall out (with)
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have an argument with and stop being friends
get on (with)
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have good relationship (with)
grow up
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become older
liik down up
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fhink that you are better than
look up to
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admire and respect
make up
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become friends again after an argument
pass away
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pick on
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keep treating someone badly or unfairly
put down
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criticise, make someone feel stupid
settle down
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become calm after being upset, stay in one place or get married and live quietly
stand up for
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pupport in an argument or fight
take aback
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surprise (usually in passive voice)

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