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zwalniać kogoś z pracy z powodu braku pracy inizia ad imparare
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wpisać jakieś ustalenie ale nic pewnego inizia ad imparare
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wprowadzić kogoś np. w jakiś temat inizia ad imparare
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pull together. Can we just pull together and look out for each other?
przyczyniać się do czegoś inizia ad imparare
make for sth. I promise it will make for a more positive atmosphere around you
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pin down. But it is difficult to pin down the symptoms
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do without. I'll have to do without my computer next week.
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do away with. Big-beaked freak determined to rule Gotham City and do away with Batman
odsunać kogoś od czegoś np. od pracy inizia ad imparare
myśleć, sądzić np. cos o kimś inizia ad imparare
make of. What do you make of him?
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make off. The thief made off with a jewelry
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do up. Do up your coat, it's cold outside
zrozumieć coś np. czyjeś zachowanie inizia ad imparare
make out. I couldn't make out even half of what he said. I can't make out what he wants from me
godzić się, np. z przyjacielem inizia ad imparare
make up. Have you made up with Tina yet?
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get by. "How do you get by?" "I guess I manage."
być z czymś w tyle np. z pracą inizia ad imparare
get behind with. I've got terribly behind with my work
zasmucać, przybijać, np. tab pogoda mnie przybija inizia ad imparare
get on. This weather is getting me on!
zabierać się żeby coś zrobić np. do pracy inizia ad imparare
get down to. I finally got down to work
robić postępy, dawać radę np. w szkole inizia ad imparare
get on. John is getting on very well at school now
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get out of. Oh no cartman, I don't let you get out of this!
mieć coś za sobą, przeboleć coś inizia ad imparare
get over. You have to get over it. We want to get this over with as soon as possible
robić coś czego inni nie pochwalają, przeskrobać coś inizia ad imparare
get up to. I wonder what they're getting up to?
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add up. Her story didn’t add up, I think she was lying, it didn’t make sense
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spur sb on. His coach spurred him on in his aspirations
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stock up. We stock up on food that we don't need.
rozwiązać, uporządkować (np. problem, sprawy) inizia ad imparare
sort out. I must sort out some things first
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znać coś jak własną kieszeń inizia ad imparare
like the back of my hand. I know this city like the back of my head
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wieki. np nie widziałem go wieki inizia ad imparare
I haven't seen him in ages
być zmęczonym, nie chcieć już czegoś robić inizia ad imparare
I'm sick and tired of doing this
zatrzymywać się np. samochodem inizia ad imparare
pull up. We pulled up at a small café
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get a hang of sth. I can't get a hang of this program
łapać solidnie jak coś się robi inizia ad imparare
get a grasp of sth. Try get a grasp of basics rules
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tuck into sth. I would tuck into juicy steak! here's plenty of food, so please tuck in!
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bring about. It can bring about serious consequences
rozpoczynać coś, uruchamiać coś, zdetonować coś inizia ad imparare
set sth off. The terrorists set the bomb off. We accidentaly set off the burglar alarm.
rozpoczynac coś zwykle nagle i coś złego inizia ad imparare
trigger off, spark off. The prime minister's speech triggered off violent protests.
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pay sb back. He's trying to pay me back for sth.
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spring from. I think most problems teenagers experience spring from a feeling of insecurity.
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rent out. You could've rent out your spare room.
doganiać, nadrabiać zaległości inizia ad imparare
catch up (with). But by the time they're 11 they've caught up with national standards
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wrap up. It's time to wrap up!
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get carried away. Once again they got carried away and began making out
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run off. The thief ran off with my bag.
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look into sth. I will look into it tomorrow
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beat sb up. A security guard was beaten up last night.
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break out. Three prisoners broken out from Holton jail.
to robbed somebody, usually with gun by threating inizia ad imparare
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tip sb off. What if I get along to the cops and tip them off
encourage sb to do sth stupid or dangerous inizia ad imparare
put up to. One of the older boys must have put him up to it
nabierać kogoś, oszukiwać kogoś, zwodzić kogoś inizia ad imparare
take sb in. I wasn't taken in by her trick
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lead sb on. I hope he’s not just leading her on, because I’d hate to see her look foolish.
to put pressure on someone in order to make them do something inizia ad imparare
lean on sb. The Prime Minister’s been leaning pretty heavily on her to resign.
to be or become involved in something bad or embarrassing inizia ad imparare
be mixed up in sth. He mixed up in robbery.
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hold sb back. Your fear hold you back.
dać krok do przodu, przyspieszać cos, make sth more active inizia ad imparare
step up. We can step our business up by putting out our sign.