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Everyone here has been very friendly toward us/ a friendly smile/ an environment-friendly agronomic practice/ child-friendly policies
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He was a very modest man, refusing to take any credit for the enterprise. Employment growth was relatively modest. A modest flat in Fulham. It was a nice wedding, necessarily Modest. Modest dress means that hemlines must be below the knee
brudny, nieporządny, przykry (kłopotliwy) inizia ad imparare
his messy hair. Stripping wallpaper can be a messy, time-consuming job. A messy divorce.
dobitny, wyraźny, stanowczy, emfatyczny inizia ad imparare
An emphatic refusal. An emphatic movement of his hand
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I haven’t been totally honest with you. I did the only right and honest thing. Good honest food with no gimmicks You’ll like it when you get there, honest
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the talkative driver hadn’t stopped chatting
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she told him to stop messing about with his stupid painting. I was stupid enough to think she was perfect. You’re not a coward, stupid!
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a noisy giggling group of children /the pub was crowded and noisy
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she was an extremely clever and studious young woman
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bez uprzedzeń, o szerokich horyzontach inizia ad imparare
a serious and open-minded newspaper
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the city has always been faithful to the Conservative party / her husband was faithful to her / the film was faithful to the book
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he’s nervous of speaking in public / a nervous disorder
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they thought she was wrong but were too polite to say so
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moderately energetic exercise
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a generous benefactor to the University / a generous assessment of his work
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his moody adolescent brother
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organized /well-organized
rzetelny, niezawodny, solidny inizia ad imparare
a reliable source of information
nierzetelny, zawodny, niesolidny inizia ad imparare
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he was a sensible and capable boy / I cannot believe that it is sensible to spend so much / a sensible diet /
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an insensitive remark / she was remarkably insensitive to pain
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marriage is a serious matter / he bridges the gap between serious and popular music
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being a sociable person, Eva loved entertaining / a very sociable little village
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Terry was grumpy and unsociable / watching TV is a fairly unsociable activity
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he was a weak, cowardly man
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the night was clear and calm / she had to keep calm at all costs / the city was reported to be calm, but army patrols remained / his voice was calm / a dead calm sea
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her gentle voice / a gentle breeze / a gentle, sensitive man
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the promotion of human rights was a noble aspiration / there is nothing more noble than a mature pine forest / the Duchess of Kent and several other noble ladies
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Andy had a sweet, naive look when he smiled
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a cautious driver / firms have been unusually cautious about hiring new workers / the plan received a cautious welcome / be careful not to lose her address / he was very careful of his reputation / his mother had always been careful with money
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she’s a very strong-willed little girl
czuły, przywiązany, kochający inizia ad imparare
his affectionate nature / an affectionate kiss
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she was always jealous of me / a jealous husband
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he was imaginative beyond all other architects
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you’re a silly, stubborn old woman / the removal of stubborn screws
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be patient, your time will come /
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they are impatient for change / she can be impatient with people who don’t see things her way
współczujący, życzliwy, przychylny inizia ad imparare
she was sympathetic towards staff with family problems / he spoke in a sympathetic tone / buildings that were sympathetic to their surroundings
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people are prejudiced against us / prejudiced views
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she had been rude to her boss / Graham giggled at every rude joke
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lekkomyślny, nieodpowiedzialny inizia ad imparare
it would have been irresponsible just to drive on
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I joined them for selfish reasons
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drink modest amounts of alcohol / it was a nice wedding, necessarily Modest / modest dress means that hemlines must be below the knee
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the winters are long, hard, and cruel / people who are cruel to animals
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how very thoughtful of you! / her work is thoughtful and provocative
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confident, self-confident she was a confident, outgoing girl / I am not very confident about tonight’s game / people who are confident in their identity / a self-confident nation
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wyluzowany, niewymagający inizia ad imparare
a relaxed, easy-going atmosphere
towarzyski, przyjazny, otwarty inizia ad imparare
she’s always been very outgoing and she’s got heaps of friends
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he was a gentle and even-tempered man
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children’s antisocial behaviour
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the doctor gave you incorrect advice / strictly speaking, the form of address was incorrect
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he was always overshadowed by his brilliant elder brother / an enormous oak tree stood overshadowing the cottage / it is easy to let this feeling of tragedy overshadow his story
rozstrojony, zdenerwowany inizia ad imparare
she looked pale and upset
dorastający, dojrzewający inizia ad imparare
his adolescent years / adolescent problems / the books are aimed at children and adolescents
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I’m quite capable of taking care of myself / the aircraft is capable of flying 5,000 miles non-stop / she looked enthusiastic and capable / a highly capable man
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his performance as the grumpy gateman / he’s grumpy because he hasn’t heard from you
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niedorzeczny, głupiutki, głupi, głuptac inizia ad imparare
the silly season / another of his silly jokes
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never before had she had such an attentive audience / the hotel has a pleasant atmosphere and attentive service
nadąsany, mrukliwy, posępny inizia ad imparare
disappointment was making her sulky / she had a sultry, sulky mouth
mający złe usposobienie, wybuchowy inizia ad imparare
niegrzeczny, nieposłuszny inizia ad imparare
you’ve been a really naughty boy / naughty goings-on
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traits (personality traits)
tracić panowanie nad sobą inizia ad imparare
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a lively discussion / Barcelona’s many lively bars
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a caring and invaluable friend / the caring professions
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