paweł 7th March 2014

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czy to jest smaczne?
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is it tasty?
czy ty jesteś z Polski?
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are you from Poland?
to jest okropne (w smaku)
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it's disgusting
Mam trzy zwierzaki.
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I have three pets.
Moja teściowa ma dwa chomiki
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My mother-in-law has two hamsters.
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czy masz świnkę morską?
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do you have a guinea pig?
Codziennie jem jajecznicę na śniadanie.
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Every day I eat scrambled eggs for breakfast.
Czy możesz usmażyć dwa jajka?
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Can you fry two eggs?
Czy możesz ugotować jedno jajko?
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Can you boil one egg?
Nigdy nie piję kawę z cukrem.
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I never drink coffee with sugar.
Zapomniałem kupić dwie cytryny.
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I forgot TO buy two lemons.
Czy zapomniałaś kupić cytryny?
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Did you forget TO buy lemons?
Ona nie zapomniała kupić cytryn.
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She didn't forget TO buy lemons.
Twoja książka jest na stole.
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Your book is ON the table.
Jej ojciec jest w tym budynku.
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Her father is in this building.
Gdzie jest moje pudełko?
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Where is my box?
twój ogród jest piękny.
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Your garden is beautiful.
Moi teściowie mieszkają w centrum miasta.
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My parents-in-laws live in the city center.
Chcę kupić ten obraz
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I want TO buy this painting.
Moja siostra chce kupić te obrazy.
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My sister wants TO buy THESE paintings.
Idę do teatru. (teraz)
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I'm going to the theater.
My idziemy do kina.
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We're going to the movies.
Ula uczy teraz angielskiego.
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Ula is teaching English now.
Te kobiety są chore.
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These women are sick.
Ci mężczyźni są zdrowi.
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These men are healthy.
w górnym rogu
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in the top corner
w dolnym rogu
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in the bottom corner
w górnym prawym rogu jest...
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In the top right corner there is...
w dolnym lewym rogu znajdują się...
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in the bottom left corner there are...
żonaty, zamężna
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married, married
zdaje mi się, że oni są studentami
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it seems to me that they are students
zdaje mi się, że on jest w Warszawie
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it seems to me that he is in Warsaw
wózek na zakupy
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shopping trolley, shopping cart
pchać coś
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to push sth
on ma na sobie...
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he is wearING...
On pcha wózek.
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He's pushing a trolley.
kurtka, marynarka
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bluzka damska
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bluza sportowa
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bluza z kapturem
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buty, kozaki
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On ma na sobie niebieską marynarkę, brązowe spodnie i czarne buty.
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He's wearing a blue jacket, brown trousers and black shoes.
Ona ma na sobie szarą bluzę z kapturem i zieloną spódnicę.
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She's wearing a grey hoddie and a green skirt.
Co masz na sobie?
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What are you wearing?
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ci uczniowie
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These students
Ci studenci piszą teraz egzamin.
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These students are writing an exam. These students are taking an exam.
pisać egzamin
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to write an exam / to take an exam
osoba, ludzie
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person, people
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to stand
oni teraz stoją
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They are standing now.
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dziecko, dzieci
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child, children
chłopiec po prawej jest grubszy
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the boy on the right is fatter
w McDonaldzie
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at McDonald's
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French fries AmE, chips BrE
oni piją colę
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they are drinking coke

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