Paweł 20th Jan 2016 (30 min) #5

 0    10 schede    engonskype
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Domanda Risposta
nikt nie wie czego on chce
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nobody knowS what he wantS
chcę zadać Ci pytanie
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I want to ask you a question
sklep internetowy
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an Internet shop
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Nie rozmawialiśmy o tym.
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We didn't speak about it.
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listonosz in inglese
postie / postman
Czy możemy skończyć trochę wcześniej?
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I want TO ask you to finish a bit earlier.
29 sierpnia
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on the 29th OF August
Czy znasz słowa tej piosenki na pamięć?
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Do you know the lyrics of this song by heart?
sztuczna wyspa
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artifical island

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