Part 1

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attend to sth/sb
She asked Jeff if he could attend to the problem as quickly as possible.
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zająć się czymś/kimś
be up to something
I'm sure that he'll up to the job.
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podołać, sprostać czemuś
get back to sth
The boss is coming this way, better get back to work.
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wrócić do czegoś
grow into sth
Don't let the initial problem discourage you, you'll grow into the job quickly.
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zaadoptować się do czegoś
hold up in a traffic jam
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zatrzymać w korku
hold up
This problem was holding everything up!
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zatrzymać, wstrzymać
let off sth
As it is your first mistake of this kind, I'll let you off.
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take up STH
Why have you taken up a job, you couldn't fulfill?
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zacząć coś robić, uprawiać
I have a very stressful job, so I took up running for relaxation.
write up
We need to write up the report now.
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act up
The fax machine is acting up again!
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nawalać, nie działać prawidłowo
fall out
Let's not fall out over such an unimportant issue.
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kłócić się
watch out
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