Oil price surge is the No. 1 threat to the US economy

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brisk pace
The US jobs market is on fire. Consumer spending is strong. And the economy is growing at a brisk pace.
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(noun) = clip space, fast pace
tip the scales
Moody’s published a model earlier this year that showed gas prices are a key variable in the November election, one that could tip the scales in the favor of former President Donald Trump.
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(idiom) to affect the result of something in one way rather than another
làm cán cân nghiêng về phía
flirt with
Global oil prices are flirting with 92 dollars a barrel amid worries about a wider war in the Middle East.
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(phrasal verb) to take risks or not worry about a dangerous situation that may happen
dao động tại
get nailed
Consumers are going to get nailed- especially lower-income households.
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(verb) to get hit by something
= impacted

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