Monika T. 17th Feb 2014

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Domanda Risposta
tort urodzinowy
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birthday cake
Dobrze gotuję.
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I'm good AT cooking.
Dobrze pływam.
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I'm good AT swimming.
Marcin dobrze całuje.
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Marcin is good AT kissing.
Czy oni są dobrzy z języków?
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Are they good AT languages?
Czy dobrze gotujesz?
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Are you good AT cooking?
kiedy są twoje twoje urodziny?
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when IS your birthday?
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życzę ci mnóstwo pieniędzy
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I wish you a lot of money
Mam dużo książek.
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I have a lot of books. I have lots of books. I have many books
Mam wielu przyjaciół.
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I have many friends. I have lots of friends. I have a lot of friends.
Życzę Ci mnóstwo pięknych chwil z twoim chłopakiem.
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I wish you a lot of beautiful moments with your boyfriend.
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Mam dla ciebie prezent.
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I have a present/gift for you.
Mam dla ciebie kwiaty.
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I have flowers for you.
kiedy są jej urodziny?
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when is her birthday?
czy jesteś gotowy?
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Are you ready?
jaki jest twój ulubiony kolor?
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What is your favourite colour?
On ma dwóch synów.
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He has two sons. He has got two sons.
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parents /perents/
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bike, bicycle
Ile lat ma twój chłopak?
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How old is your boyfriend?
Ile lat ma twój tata?
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How old is your dad?
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czy jesteś zmęczona?
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are you tired?
jakie jest twoje ulubione warzywo?
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what is your favourite vegetable?
Jaki jest twój ulubiony owoc?
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What is your favourite fruit?
jakie jest twoje ulubione piwo?
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what is your favourite beer?
Jaki jest jego ulubiony ptak?
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What is his favorite bird?
sprawdź to
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check it
zrób to
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do it
zjedz to
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eat it

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