Moje fiszki - różne 2

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bieżące wydarzenia
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current affairs
wyciąg z konta
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a statement There must be a mistake on this bank statement.
nie lubię tego
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not my cup o coffee
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pasmo górskie
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range of mountains Do you know what th highest range of mountains in the world is?
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abbreviation, shortening
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czuć się okropnie
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to feel lousy
efekt cieplarniany
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greenhouse effect
to burn slowly with smoke but without a flame - TLIĆ SIĘ
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to smoulder A fire that destroyed a factory in Green Hills was started by a smouldering cigarette.
przeciągać coś
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string sth out They seemed determined to string the meeting out for an indefinite period.
jajko na twardo
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hard-boiled egg
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go round Make sure there are enough pens to go round.
calm; not nervous or upset, usually despite a difficult situation nieporuszony, spokojny
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unruffled For a man in danger of losing his job, he remained completely unruffled.
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fly around All kinds of rumours are flying around about Janet's leaving the company.
pogarda, gardzić, pogardzać, wzgardzić, lekceważyć; pogarda, wzgarda, lekceważenie
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to scorn

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