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There are lots of films about aliens but no one really knows if they exist. inizia ad imparare
Istnieje wiele filmów o kosmitach, ale tak naprawdę nikt nie wie, czy istnieją.
How do you feel about the amount you sleep? inizia ad imparare
In movies aliens are often shown to attack humans. inizia ad imparare
W filmach kosmici często okazują się atakować ludzi.
My favourite ballet is Swan Lake. I’ve seen it three times. inizia ad imparare
Moim ulubionym baletem jest Jezioro Łabędzie. Widziałem to trzy razy.
I think the bass guitar is one of the easiest string instruments to learn. inizia ad imparare
Myślę, że gitara basowa jest jednym z najłatwiejszych instrumentów smyczkowych do nauki.
I’m not used to sleeping with a duvet. I’ve always slept with blankets. inizia ad imparare
Nie jestem przyzwyczajony do spania z kołdrą. Zawsze spałem z kocami.
I hate taking my cello to school. It’s too big and heavy. inizia ad imparare
Nienawidzę brać mojej wiolonczeli do szkoły. Jest za duży i ciężki.
I sing in the school choir. inizia ad imparare
Śpiewam w szkolnym chórze.
Let’s continue working on this later. inizia ad imparare
Kontynuujmy pracę nad tym później.
Once you’ve tired of classical, you could start with music from the fifties and progress through each decade. inizia ad imparare
Gdy już zmęczysz się muzyką klasyczną, możesz zacząć od muzyki lat pięćdziesiątych i rozwijać się przez kolejne dekady.
My son wants to play the drums but they are so loud! inizia ad imparare
Mój syn chce grać na perkusji, ale są tacy głośni!
Do you want to get a takeaway this evening? No, I’d prefer to eat out. inizia ad imparare
Czy chcesz dostać na wynos wieczorem? Nie, wolę zjeść.
He exploited the opportunity and made a lot of money. inizia ad imparare
Wykorzystał okazję i zarobił dużo pieniędzy.
How long does it usually take you to fall asleep at night? inizia ad imparare
Jak długo zajmuje Ci zasypianie w nocy?
I was fast asleep when a knock on the door woke me up. inizia ad imparare
Szybko zasnąłem, gdy obudził mnie pukanie do drzwi.
Many famous film-makers work in Hollywood. inizia ad imparare
Wielu znanych twórców filmowych pracuje w Hollywood.
You nearly always see girls and not boys playing the flute. inizia ad imparare
Niemal zawsze widzisz dziewczyny, a nie chłopców grających na flecie.
I can’t get used to working at night. I feel tired all the time. inizia ad imparare
Nie mogę przyzwyczaić się do pracy w nocy. Czuję się zmęczony cały czas.
I was half asleep and unable to concentrate well in class. inizia ad imparare
Byłem w półśnie i nie mogłem się dobrze skoncentrować na zajęciach.
When I’m with my friends we usually head to the park to relax. inizia ad imparare
Kiedy jestem z przyjaciółmi, zwykle udajemy się do parku, aby się zrelaksować.
Many new musicians are influenced by music they heard in their childhood. inizia ad imparare
Wielu nowych muzyków ma wpływ na muzykę, którą słyszeli w dzieciństwie.
Some people can’t sleep because they suffer from insomnia. inizia ad imparare
Niektórzy ludzie nie mogą spać, ponieważ cierpią na bezsenność.
If you drink coffee in the evening, it may keep you awake. inizia ad imparare
problem z zaśnięciem, pobudzony Jeśli wieczorem wypijesz kawę, możesz nie zasnąć.
The experience, he says, was ‘like the first time you kiss a girl’. inizia ad imparare
Doświadczenie, jak mówi, było "jak za pierwszym razem, gdy całujesz dziewczynę".
The maximum score you can get is 180. inizia ad imparare
Maksymalny możliwy wynik to 180.
I’m not used to staying up so late. I’m usually in bed by midnight. inizia ad imparare
Nie jestem przyzwyczajony do tak późnego wstawania. Zazwyczaj jestem w łóżku przed północą.
They get into bed and put their head on the pillow. inizia ad imparare
Wchodzą do łóżka i kładą głowę na poduszce.
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A psychologist studies the mind. inizia ad imparare
The saxophone is my favourite instrument in the jazz band. inizia ad imparare
Saksofon to mój ulubiony instrument w zespole jazzowym.
They go to bed and set their alarm clock. inizia ad imparare
Idą spać i nastawiają budzik.
In bed people cover themselves with a blanket or a sheet. inizia ad imparare
W łóżku ludzie okrywają się kocem lub prześcieradłem.
Some people have a siesta after lunch. inizia ad imparare
Niektórzy ludzie po obiedzie mają sjestę.
When I can’t sleep I take sleeping pills. inizia ad imparare
Kiedy nie mogę spać, biorę tabletki nasenne.
Many female opera singers are sopranos. inizia ad imparare
Wiele kobiecych śpiewaków operowych to soprany.
My musical taste is very different from yours. inizia ad imparare
Mój muzyczny gust bardzo różni się od twojego.
My parents used to make me tidy my room every morning. inizia ad imparare
Moi rodzice codziennie sprzątali mi pokój.
Some people find music so moving that it makes them weep. inizia ad imparare
Niektórzy ludzie uważają, że muzyka porusza się tak, że płacze.
Sleepwalking is most common among young boys. inizia ad imparare
Sleepwalking jest najczęstszy wśród młodych chłopców.
My ancestors are all from Suffolk. inizia ad imparare
Moi przodkowie pochodzą z Suffolk.
I like to take an extra blanket with me when I go travelling. inizia ad imparare
Lubię zabrać ze sobą dodatkowy koc, kiedy jadę w podróż.
Do you usually sleep with your bedroom completely dark, or with the curtains or blinds open? inizia ad imparare
Czy zazwyczaj śpisz z sypialnią całkowicie ciemną lub z otwartymi zasłonami lub żaluzjami?
I gave her a bouquet of flowers for Valentine’s Day. inizia ad imparare
Dałem jej bukiet kwiatów na Walentynki.
A cacophony of sounds filled the room. inizia ad imparare
Kakofonia dźwięków wypełniła pokój.
I prefer cappuccino to other types of coffee. inizia ad imparare
Wolę cappuccino od innych rodzajów kawy.
The company sent a chauffeur to pick them up. inizia ad imparare
Firma wysłała szofera, żeby ich zabrał.
The chorus is the most famous part of the song. inizia ad imparare
Refren jest najbardziej znaną częścią piosenki.
The clack of my colleague’s keyboard drives me crazy. inizia ad imparare
Klekot klawiatury mojego kolegi doprowadza mnie do szału.
Mozart wrote a concerto when he was very young. inizia ad imparare
Mozart napisał koncert, gdy był bardzo młody.
He can listen to just about anything ever composed. Consequently, his experience may help us to understand more about musical taste. inizia ad imparare
Potrafi słuchać wszystkiego, co kiedykolwiek skomponowane. W związku z tym jego doświadczenie może pomóc nam lepiej zrozumieć muzyczne
Country music is often associated with America. inizia ad imparare
Croissants are a really unhealthy breakfast. inizia ad imparare
I close the curtains on winter nights to keep the room warm. inizia ad imparare
I don’t like people who try to dominate others. inizia ad imparare
I’m not used to sleeping with a duvet. I’ve always slept with blankets. inizia ad imparare
The crowd wanted more so they started shouting for an encore. inizia ad imparare
He was faithful to his wife and never cheated on her. inizia ad imparare
English has ‘borrowed’ many words from other languages, for example in the field of music from Italian, Greek, and French. inizia ad imparare
I don’t fry my food. It’s not very healthy. inizia ad imparare
What genre of music do you like? inizia ad imparare
Some people think that graffiti is art. inizia ad imparare
My grandad needs a hearing aid to hear. inizia ad imparare
The hum from the air-conditioning was really loud. inizia ad imparare
Are you a light sleeper or do you sleep like a log? inizia ad imparare
In a lucid dream the person who is dreaming can sometimes change what is happening. inizia ad imparare
I like to drink macchiato because it’s a bit lighter. inizia ad imparare
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I need a microphone for people to hear me. inizia ad imparare
When I’m tired I have a short nap during the day. inizia ad imparare
Doctors diagnosed her as having a rare neurological disorder called Kleine-Levin Syndrome. inizia ad imparare
Dreams and video games are both parallel universes. inizia ad imparare
I postponed our meeting until next Sunday. inizia ad imparare
He was born profoundly deaf. inizia ad imparare
My nightmare recurs nearly every night. inizia ad imparare
REM is an abbreviation for the stage of sleep called ‘rapid eye movement’. inizia ad imparare
REM (szybki ruch gałek ocznych)
Research has shown that short naps are very effective in restoring our energy levels and mood. inizia ad imparare
Have a regular routine – try to go to bed at roughly the same time every night. inizia ad imparare
Writers of film scores are experts at using music to create an atmosphere. inizia ad imparare
He decided to seek further help. inizia ad imparare
You should never wake up a sleepwalker. inizia ad imparare
Have you ever had to share a room with someone who snores? inizia ad imparare
A sonata is usually played on just one instrument. inizia ad imparare
Spinach is a vegetable many children don’t like. inizia ad imparare
The suggestions for their holiday really helped. inizia ad imparare
I love Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony. inizia ad imparare
Doctors diagnosed her as having a rare neurological disorder called Kleine-Levin Syndrome. inizia ad imparare
We need a system to make this easier. inizia ad imparare
Once you’ve tired of classical, you could start with music from the fifties and progress through each decade. inizia ad imparare
The book opened his mind to a whole universe of ideas. inizia ad imparare
All unwanted ideas were rejected. inizia ad imparare
The ship was vast, with a capacity of over 2,000 passengers. inizia ad imparare
A university psychologist in Canada believes that people who play video games are more likely to be able to control their own dreams. inizia ad imparare
Gamers spend hours a day in a virtual reality and they are used to controlling their game environments. inizia ad imparare
My parents heard me wandering downstairs in the middle of the night. inizia ad imparare
The computer whirred as it started up. inizia ad imparare