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Domanda English Risposta English
He spoke in a soft West Country...
a way of speaking English in which the "r" sound is more noticeable than usual:
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It would be great along the river, up the ......
ujście rzeki, estuarium
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Another performance like that and this team will be the laughing ... of the league.
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I am as tough as ..., and I can do this.
być twardym jak skała
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The film explores the whole ........ of emotions from despair to joy.
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Her clever opening ... gave her an early advantage.
podstęp, zagrywka
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, by the name of Anna.
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The police ... back the protesters.
powstrzymywać kogoś/coś
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... with an dexternal view of Tara's head,...
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skilled in dealing with journalists
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media savvy
Companies must find new ways to ... their workers, he said.
wykorzystywać coś, czerpać z czegoś
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tap into
I can see how people are ... by his charm.
zwodzić, mamić
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Sometimes he seemed to... the beat in a heavy-footed way.
pisać szybko i bez zastanowienia
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bash out
The media was accused of ...... the issue.
upraszczać, skracać (tak, aby było zrozumiałe dla ogółu ludzi)
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dumbing down
One of the acrobats who walked the ... at the circus did it blindfolded.
lina (do akrobacji)
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