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take it upon yourself to do sth
She has taken it upon herself to take care of her mother.
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wziąć na siebie odpowiedzialność żeby coś zrobić
commit oneself to doing
He committed himself to helping others.
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zobowiązywać się, deklarować się
sth come as a surprise to somebody
It came as a surprise to me that Martin hadn't married Jane.
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okazać się dla kogoś niespodzianką, być dla kogoś niespodzianką
result in something
The improvements in training resulted in increased wins.
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skutkować czymś, doprowadzić do czegoś
regret not having done
Peter regreted not having had the chance to visit Dublin.
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żałować że się kiedyś nie zrobiło
for the time being
For the time being the pupils are living in a hotel.
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for the time being in inglese
na razie, póki co
at ease
I felt completely at ease with him.
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swobodnie, na luzie
out of the blue
One day, completely out of the blue, I had a letter from her.
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nagle, znienacka
Every shelf is cluttered with ornaments.
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unsolicited advice/offer
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niepożądany, nieproszony

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