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Domanda English Risposta English
to reject
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turn down
follow sb
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truck down
to resign from one’s position
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stand down
stop doing sth (read a book)
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put sth down
ged rid of sth
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cut sth down
do notes
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take sth down
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red as a beetroot
to make a big effort to sb
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to roll out the red carpet
feel depressed
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to have the blues
a man who is liked and admired by someone in authority
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blue- eyed boy
uninformed about someone or sth
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in the dark
someone or something whose abilities, plans, or feelings are little known to others.
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dark horse
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tickled pink
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browned off
bruised and beaten
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black and blue
fainte (omdlenie)
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born into a rich family
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born with a silver spoon in one's mouth
the perfect chance
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golden opportunity
be skillful in the garden
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have green fingers
with distinction
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with flying colours

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