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karzeł krasnal
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dwarf dwarf
uniknąć, stronić, omijać
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avoid, avoid, avoid
Book early to avoid disappointment.
epidemia, plaga, epidemiczny
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epidemic, plague, epidemic
epidemia grypy
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flu epidemic/ outbreak of flu
oświadczać, ogłaszać
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declare, announce
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The traffic can be a real nightmare after 4.30.
rozkładać, rozsprzestrzeniać, rozpowszczechniać,
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to decay, to spread, to spread, to spread,
He spread the cards out on the table. The payments will be spread over two years. The virus is spread by rats. News of his death spread quickly.
deklaracja, oświadczenie
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Declaration, a statement
wersja robocza, szkic
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draft, draft
He made several changes to the first draft.
prognoza, przewidywać
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forecast, predict
gardło, szyja
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throat, neck
zaufanie, ufać
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confidence, trust
Kate's new to the job, but I have every confidence in her.
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to criticize
The film was criticized for being too violent.
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sweep - swept - swept
gonić, ścigać, pogoń, pościg
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chase, chase, chase, pursuit
The dog was chasing a rabbit.
wyścigi samochodowe, pościg
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car racing, chase
dostarczać, zapewniać
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supply, provide
This lake supplies the whole town with water. This booklet provides useful information about local services. It's a new scheme to provide schools with free computers.
wrażliwy, czuły
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podatny na coś
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vulnerable to something
zmagać się z czymś
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struggle with something
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a tap
obciążenie pracą, obowiązkami
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workload, responsibilities
obciążenie, ładunek
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load, load
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to fall
zawalić się (np. dach)
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collapse (eg roof)
The roof collapsed under the weight of snow.
być zaangażowanym
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be involved
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zamknięcie, likwidacja
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closure, liquidation
The company announced the closure of its Paris office.
cesarka, cesarskie cięcie
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rozrywka atrakcja
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entertainment attraction
zaskoczony, zszokowany, niespodziewany
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surprised, shocked, unexpected
We got a nasty shock when he gave us the bill. Her death came as a terrible shock to him. I'm surprised to see you here. She wasn't surprised at his decision. His death was completely unexpected.
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shocked, stunned
chrapać, chrapanie
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snore, snoring
I couldn't sleep because my brother was snoring.
popełnić, zobowiązać się
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commit, commit
He committed himself to helping others. He was sent to prison for a crime that he didn't commit. to commit suicide/adultery
śmieci, bzdury, bzdura
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rubbish, garbage
How can you listen to that garbage on the radio!
honor, zaszczyt, duma, uhonorować
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honor, honor, pride, honor
The soldiers fought for the honour of their country. → Opposite dishonour noun
dobrze znany, sławny
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well-known, famous, prominennt

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