module 5

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carry on
Don't stop just because I'm here... carry on working.
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chat away
She'll chat away hapilly for hours on the phone.
wżerać się
Wilgoć wżerała się stopniowo w drewniane biurko
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eat away
The damp has gradually eaten away the wooden desk.
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to fill in
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to hand out
Could you hand out these books to the other students?
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lie around
I feel so lazy just lying around on the beach all day
zamknąć na zamek, zamek w drzwiach
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lock up
When you leave the building, please remember to lock up.
bałaganić, obijać się
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mess arround
Stop messing arround and help me
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miss out on
You are missing out on a great opportunity
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run of
When we tried to speek to him, he just ran of.
odprowadzić kogoś
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see of someone
My dad came to see me of at the bus station.
wydzierać się
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shout out
Don't all shout at once!
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to slow down
protestować publicznie
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speak out against
Five students were arrested for speaking against the gowernment
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to take down
I took down his e-mail address before i forgot.
wypracować, uzyskać
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work out
You can work out the answer by adding these figures together.

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