module 3

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bring to a halt
Roadworks in the city centre have brought traffic to halt
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dodgy idea/character
Don't trust him, he is a realy dodgy character.
rozpuszczać wici
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drop hints
She keeps dropping hints about her birthday.
w sam raz
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fair enough
Would you mind comming in at eight o'clock? Fair enough.
lecieć na kogoś/mieć ochotę
Czy skusisz się na jeszcze jedną filiżankę kawy?
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Do you fancy another cup of coffe?
mieć rozpiety rozporek
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have your flies open
It was so embarrassed when I realiz\sed I had my flies open all afternoon
skoro tak mówisz
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if you say so
Honestly, I didn't take it. Well, if you say so.
być w trakcie robienia czegoś
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be in the middle of sth
I can't do it now. I'm in the middle of cooking dinner.
zostawić coś na wierzchu
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leave sth lying around
I wouldn't leave your wallet lying arround if I were you.
spojrzeć komuś w oczy
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look someone in the eye
Look me in the eye and tell me you're not lying.
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make light of
He makes light of losing his job, but I know he is really angry about it.
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nifty idea/plan
A nifty little gadget for slicing vegetables is essential.
nie na miejscu
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out of place
The question is out of place at the dinner table.
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It's good to read, but don't overdo it.

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