moduł 4

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sprać kogoś, mocno kogoś zbić
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beat up
Police officers beat up demonstrators
przebić się
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break throught
It was a real effort to break throught people's resistance to the idea of mass vaccination
zrobić przełom
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make breakthrough
Próbowała mnie rozśmieszyć, robiąc śmieszne miny.
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to cheer up
She tried to cheer me up by making funny faces.
Wyluzuj, jest weekend!
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chill out
Chill out, it's the weekend!
wyczyścić, uprzątnąć
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clear out
I had to clear out a lot of old books from my room
podejść do
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come up to
somebody came up to us and asked me for directions
liczyć na
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count on
I can not count on you.
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drive off
He got into the car and drove off withought saying a word to anyone
wynaleźć, zrozumieć
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find out
We are trying to find out what the problem is
rozjarzyć się wybuchnąć
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flare up
The violence has again flared up in the center of the city
mieć dobrą relację
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get on with
How does Gina get on with her colleagues
przypisać coś czemuś
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put down to
I put her moodiness down to the stress she was under
przejąć kontrolę
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take over
podjąć pracę
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take up
She took up her first teaching job in 1950
przegadać problem
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talk throught
I think we really need to talk this problem throught.

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