Melanija 15th July 2014

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wczoraj poszłyśmy do lasu
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Yesterday we went to the forest.
iść na spacer
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to HAVE a walk // to GO for a walk
moja rodzina i ja
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my family and I = we
butelka wody
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a bottle OF water
filiżanka kawy
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a cup OF coffee
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w nocy
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at night
nie mam pojęcia
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I have no idea
około dwadzieścia pięć stopni
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about / around 25 degrees
Jaka jest pogoda w St. Albans?
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What's the weather like in (St. Albans)?
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bo mama chciała iść spać
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beacuse mum wantED TO go to sleep
telefon komórkowy
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mobile (phone) BrE, cell (phone) AmE
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w moim pokoju są trzy szafy
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there are three wardrobes in my room.
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pictures / photo
w moim pokoju jest jeden kwiatek.
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there's is one flower in my room.
Czy możesz z robić zdjęcie?
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Can you take a picture?

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