Mein Beruf ist meine Leidenschaft

 0    26 schede    mateusmacedo
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Domanda Risposta
der Vorort, -e
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the suburb, -e
der Hausmeister (die Hausmeister)
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the janitor (the caretaker)
der Ofen, die Öfen
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the furnace, the furnace
der Wohnblock
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the block of flats
der Hof (die Höfe)
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the yard (the courtyards)
der Innenhof
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the courtyard
das Erdgeschoß
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the ground floor
der Kaufpreis
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purchase price
die Nebenkosten
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the additional costs
die Wohnfläche
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the living space
Wohngemeinschaft, WG
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Shared flat, shared flat
das Reihenhaus
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The Bungalow
das Einfamilienhaus
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single-family homes
das Grundstück
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the property
die Innenstadt
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the downtown
der Makler
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The agent
der Lift
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the lift
die Wand
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the wall
die Dachterrasse
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the roof terrace
der Keller
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the basement
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Reliability / reliable
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das Schlafzimmer
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the bedroom
der Balkon
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the balcony
der Alltag
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the everyday

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