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Domanda English Risposta English
in connection with
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in line with/with reference to
i want to inform you
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i would like to give you some details conserning/ i would like to tell you sth about
could you send me
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i would be appreciate some additional information from you conserning/ i would be grateful if you would send me some information about
it is important
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it is essential/crucial/significant
i also like to stress
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i would like to point out/to imply that
in conclusion
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to sum up/to conclude
give 2 sentence used in introduction to a formal letter
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i am writing to you to appologize you of what happened/ please be informe that I am an officer if logistic in my unit
give a sample sentence begining main body of formal letter
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let me specify some information conserning possibility of organizing the exercise
give 2 sample sentence ending a formal letter
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i hope that information will be of some assistance to make your decision / if you have some questions do not hesitate and contact me at...
thanks a lot
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i would be grateful
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i would like to apologize you
i must tell you
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i would like to inform you
i have to ask you a few questions
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i need more information about
im sending you my cv
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i enclosed my CV
i want you to do it now
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i would be gratefu if you du that for me as soon as is it possible

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