Marta 2nd + 3 rd March 2017 (10 + 50 min) #9

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Co u nich?
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How are they doing?
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Let's try. / Let's give it a try.
To może być niebezpieczne.
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It might be dangerous.
wyobrażać sobie
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to imagine
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to order
zrobić rezerwację
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to book a table / to make a reservation
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to put sth together
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do tej pory
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so far
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a slip of the tongue
błąd w pisowni
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a slip of the finger
jechać na rowerze
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to cycle/ to ride a bike
Wolałabym pójść na rower niż zostać w domu.
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I'd rather go cycling THAN stay at home.
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To sum up, ... / To summarise,...
Chciałabym podkreślić...
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I'd like to underline / stress / emphasise...
I'd like to underline HOW important it is for our company.
chronić / ratować planetę / Zimię
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to save the planet / the Earth
niszczyć środowisko
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to damage the environment
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zmywać naczynia
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to do the dishes / to to the washing-up
brać prysznic
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to take A shower / to take a bath

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