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Domanda Risposta
wprowadzać produkt na rynek
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product launch
cykl zyciowy produktu
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product life cycle
asortyment produktów
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product range
the percentage of sales a company has
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market share
information about what customers want
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market research
a group of customers of similar age, income level, social group
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market segment
how much a company wants to sell in a period
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sales target
how much a company thinks iit will sell in a period (prognoza)
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sales forecast
how much a company has sold in a period
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figures budget
a written statement on how many products a company sold
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sales report
a business which advises companies on advertising
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advertising agency
an amount of money available for advertising
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advertising budget
a description of a typical customer
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consumer profile
where and how people buy things
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consumer behaviour
e.g.: a list of a questions regarding what customers feel about goods
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consumer survey
badanie opinii i postaw nabywców
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consumer survey

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