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a person who is guilty of a serious crime
This company does not hire any felons.
udręka, boleść
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extreme unhappiness and anguish
He was so full of anguish that he couldn't answer. His anguish at the outcome of the court case was very clear.
przejaw, objaw, udowodnieniae
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a sign of something existing or happening. appearance
She claimed that the rise in unemployment was just a further manifestation of the government's incompetence. Unlike acid rain or deforestation, global warming has no visible manifestation
odpowiadać na zarzuty, tłumaczyć i usprawiedliwić się
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to make a statement of what you believe to be true, especially in support of something or someone or when someone has been accused in a law court: to say something as an excuse or explanation: to say that you do not know about something:
He pleaded ignorance when they found the package in his suitcase. She left early, pleading pressure of work. The defendant pleaded not guilty/innocent to robbery with violence.
zszokować, zelektryzować kogoś
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to cause someone to suddenly take action, especially by shocking or exciting them in some way:
Western charities were galvanized by TV pictures of starving people. The prospect of his mother coming to stay galvanized him into action and he started cleaning the house.
Do odwołania
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Until further notice
We suspend our until further notice.
jednogłośnie, jednomyślnie
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in a way that is agreed or supported by everyone in a group:
All four proposals to the committee were unanimously approved. The Board voted unanimously to terminate his three-year contract. After a lengthy discussion we reached a unanimous decision on the proposal.
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owoc dzikiej róży
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rose hip
doker, ładowacz
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So he has a week home, and then another three being a stevedore?"
źle wydać resztę, niesprawiedliwe traktować
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to give someone back less money than they are owed when they are buying something from you: to treat someone unfairly by giving them less than they deserve:
The check-out girl short-changed her. The case alleges that the company shortchanged female employees on opportunities for promotion.
napawać się
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feast one's eyes on
gloat upon something
Soak up this feeling, it won't last long. The princess revelled in her wealth and diamonds.
posuwanie się, natarcie (militaria)
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progress and move forward
We made an advance on the enemy. The troops were slowly advancing.
zgon, upadek, koniec istnienia
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the end of something that was previously considered to be powerful, such as a business, industry, or system:
The demise of the company was sudden and unexpected.
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to cause something to continue
Increasing the supply of weapons will only perpetuate the violence and anarchy. The aim of the association is to perpetuate the skills of traditional furniture design.
wszynać, ustanawiać, instytut
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to start or cause a system, rule, legal action, etc. to exist:
She is threatening to institute legal proceedings against the hospital. institute an investigation
przemieszczać się powoli lub przybywać gdzieś
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trickle in/ back
Blood trickled out of the corner of his mouth. Oil was trickling from a tiny hole in the tank.
sąd ostateczny
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the last judgment/judgment day
He says that Judgment Day is coming.
odejście, ustąpienie (np. z pracy)
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the act of leaving a job: a change from what is expected, or from what has happened before:
departure from the ofice. Everyone in the office was surprised by Graham's sudden departure. There can be no departure from the rules.
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presumption, estimation
Parents buying toys this Christmas have a presumption of safety.
wprowadzać w życie, egzekwować
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carry into effect
oszczędny, prosty, skromny (o posiłku)
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My neighbours are well-known for their frugal lifestyle. There are very humble people. The frugal meals are the best.
przekazywać, pokazać dalej, zmieniać podczas pracy
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to repeat something you have heard, or to broadcast a signal, message, or programme on television or radio:
I was told the news first and then I relayed it to the others. TV pictures of the war were relayed around the world by satellite.
szerzący się, bujny, szerzący się
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(of something bad) getting worse quickly and in an uncontrolled way
rampant corruption Rampant inflation means that our wage increases soon become worth nothing.
poruszyć czułą strunę (pozytywnie), brzmieć znajomo
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strike a chord
If something strikes a chord, it causes people to approve of it or agree with it. If something strikes a chord, it causes people to remember something else because it is similar to it.
Their policy on childcare has struck a responsive chord with women voters. Her speech struck a sympathetic chord among business leaders.
cecha charakterystyczna, znamię, cecha
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a typical characteristic or feature of a person or thing: to put an official mark on an object made of gold or silver
Simplicity is a hallmark of this design. This explosion bears/has all the hallmarks of (= is likely to have been) a terrorist attack.
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a written statement of the beliefs, aims, and policies of an organization, especially a political party:
In their election manifesto, the Liberal Democrats proposed increasing taxes to pay for improvements in education.
lenno, toczyć konflikt, waśń, konflikt
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an argument that has existed for a long time between two people or groups, causing a lot of anger or violence:
This stupid feud's got nothing to do with me. This is nothing but a personal feud between two selfish, ruthless, vicious old men. They feud over this land for decades. a ten-year-old feud between the two countries
kolec, przytyk, uwaga
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a remark that is funny but unkind:
I tried to ignore their barbs about my new jacket.
atak, napad
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a sudden and powerful expression of strong feeling, especially one that you cannot control:
In a sudden paroxysm of jealousy he threw her clothes out of the window. paroxysms of laughter
opuszczać, zwalniać
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to leave a room, building, chair, etc. so that it is available for other people:
Hotel guests are requested to vacate their rooms by noon. Denis vacates his job at the end of the week.
dziwaczny, kapryśny
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doing only what you want and often changing your behaviour in a way that is difficult to control
He was a wayward kid. A wayward ball bounced into the yard.
na trwałe w sposób trwały
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in a way that is impossible to remove by washing or in any other way: in a way that is impossible to forget, or that has a permanent influence or effect
The date was stamped indelibly on his memory. When you visit another country, your entry and departure dates will be indelibly marked in your passport.
łotr, łajdak, nieszczęśnik, nędzarz
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a person who experiences something unpleasant:
a poor/miserable wretch
przyćmiewać, w głąb sceny
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to take people's attention away from someone and make them listen to or look at you instead:
Most supporting bands tend to be youngsters, and rarely upstage the star.
jadowity, pełen złości
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a venomous snake/spider
Wniebowstąpienie, awans zawodowy, wspinaczka
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the process of rising to a position of higher importance, rank, or success: the action of climbing or moving upwards
After his time in the US Army, Ashe continued his ascension in the world of tennis. He never managed to cross the Atlantic via balloon, but he made hundreds of ascensions. The Ascension of Christ is depicted in this stained-glass window.
epitet, określenie przydomek
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an adjective added to a person's name or a phrase used instead of it, usually to criticize or praise them:
The singer's 104-kilo frame earned him the epithet of "Man Mountain" in the press.
w przebraniu płci przeciwnej
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in drag
Some were in drag, which was illegal at the time. I feel more masculine in drag than out of it
przerwać, odkładać, zawiesić
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to have a pause or rest during a formal meeting or trial
The meeting was adjourned until Tuesday. Shall we adjourn for lunch? Our discussion had to be adjourned to the conference hall since my office was being renovated.
aktualności, stale uaktualniające się wiadomości na Facebooku
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Scrolling through your newsfeed before bed is the worst. It's impossible to overstate the harmfulness of this habit.
prześlizgiwać się po, tuszować, pomniejszać,
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gloss over
to avoid considering something, such as an embarrassing mistake, to make it seem not important, and to quickly continue talking about something else:
She glossed over the company's declining profits. The documentary glossed over some important issues.
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a pile of soil created by ants when they are making their nests underground
uspokajać, uciszać (termin literacki)
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to make something stop moving or become more calm:
He tried to still the swaying of the hammock. She cuddled her baby to still its cries.
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Magpies often steal shiny objects.
pralnia chemiczna
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dry cleaner
a store where clothes are cleaned with chemicals
poszerzanie, rozprzestrzenianie
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As it approaches the sea, the river begins to widen/ broad (out).
kłapnięcie zębów, trzask gałęzi, fotka (British), łatwizna(am), kawał, natychmiastowy(pochopny). pochopny
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A twig snapped under his feet. She sent me a cute snap of her children. My dog snapped and scared the thief off my house. It was a snap decision. We shouldn't have done that. She snapped when she heard it.
zamarznięty / zamarznięta, ZAMROŻONY
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How about having a frozen pizza?
próżny, pusty, bezwartościowy, kotlina, zapadnięty (np. policzki), wydrążyć
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nie mylić z: hallow
I'm not a fan of hollow and trivial reality TV shows but this one happens to be quite different, unusually interesting. hollow cheeks.
w każdym razie
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at any rate
At any rate, I'm glad that it didn't go even worse anyway. You could have died when getting contracted the deadly virus.
mniszek lekarski
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a common small, bright yellow wild flower that has a lot of long, thin petals arranged in a circular pattern around a round centre
Is is rather uncommon to find dandelions in the late time March. The children took turns blowing the dandelion clock (= the mass of white threads to which the seeds are attached).
proszę? (przestarzałe
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a forceful way of saying "please
Pray tell your sister that I long to see her. And where have you been, pray tell?
zaloty, igraszki
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an interest or involvement in an activity or belief that only lasts for a very short period. (involvement in) a sexual relationship that is not lasting or serious
The 1970s witnessed the first of the pop star's dalliances with communism. at first, I thought that it was going to be nothing more than summer dalliance with a fellow from across the ocean.
luźno rozmawiać
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bandy something around
to talk about something without careful consideration
Wild guesses of the value of the painting were being bandied about.
wieść prym w grupie, być na czele grupy
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be top dog
a person who has achieved a position of authority. head, Chief
Who made the armed forces the top dog?
cycek, sikorka, debil
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a common small bird found in the northern half of the world. a woman's breast:
He says he likes women with big tits. Why did you do that, you stupid great tit?
gburowaty, opryskliwy
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often in a bad mood, unfriendly, and not polite: implies gruffness and sullenness of speech or manner.
We were served by a very surly waiter. He gave me a surly look. He had no cause at all to be surly here.
otwarty na argumenty, podlegający regulacją, być odpowiedzialnym wobec kogoś
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willing to accept or be influenced by a suggestion:
She might be more amenable to the idea if you explained how much money it would save. Do you think the new manager will prove more amenable to our proposals?
zaświadczenie, poświadczenie
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to show something or to say or prove that something is true
The report contains an auditor's attestation. Thousands of people came out onto the streets to attest their support for the democratic opposition party. As his career attests, he is a world-class tennis player.
samopoczucie, humor
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healthy or strong, or in good condition
"How was Jane?" "Oh, she was in fine fettle."
przygasać, osłabiać,
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to (make something) become less bright. to (make a positive feeling or quality) become less strong:
Our hopes/expectations dimmed as the hours passed. Someone dimmed the lights. The lights dimmed and the curtains opened.
przegląd, podsumowanie, łapanka, nalot
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a bringing together of people, animals, things, etc.: a statement on the radio or television of the main points of the news
The president ordered the round-up and imprisonment of all opposition politicians.
pal, słupek, palować; ryzykować
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He saw a head on a stake at the city gates. Do you want us to stake our lives on that? In South Africa, there is a tribe that stakes thieves and rapists. The gardener supported the raspberries with stakes.
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miej oczy otwarte/obrane!
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keep one's eyes opened/ peeled
They should be arriving any minute, so keep your eyes peeled
działalność dodatkowa, linia boczna, wykluczyć z gry
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an activity that you do as well as your main job: a line that shows the position of the side of an area where a sport is played
Jim works in a bank, but teaches French in the evenings as a sideline. The ball fell just inside/on/outside the sideline(touchline).
odświeżyć coś, podszlifowac coś
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brush up on sth
to refresh the language skills you had in the past
brush up on a language. give one's language a brush
bielizna damska (tak...)
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women's underwear
zwinny, bystry, lotny
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quick and exact either in movement or thoughts:
His nimble mind calculated the answer before I could key the numbers into my computer. nimble fingers. He used his nimbleness to make sure he got onto the sofa first.
brednia, bzdury
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nonsense or boring and unnecessary information:
You don't believe the drivel you read on the internet, do you? You're talking drivel as usual!
obeznany (być zorientowany w czymś)
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versed (be versed in sth)
to know a lot about a particular subject or be experienced in a particular skill: knowledgeable
I'm not sufficiently versed in XML to understand what you're saying.
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division by drawing

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