Mania reakcje ang-ang

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Domanda English Risposta English
Can I close the window?
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Sure, go ahead.
Where do you keep your knives and forks?
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Over there, in the drawer.
What's your flatmate like?
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She's really nice and friendly.
I don't think we've met before. I'm John.
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Hello, I'm Sara. Nice to meet you.
What are you going to do tonight?
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Well, I'm planning to watch a film.
We are going cycling after school.
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I don't think that's a good idea.
The tickets are really expensive.
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That's exactly what I think.
What are your holiday plans for this summer?
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I'm thinking of a beach holiday.
Can I borrow your camera, please?
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Of course! When do you need it?
How did it happen?
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I fell down while walking in the park.
What do you think I should do?
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I'd see a doctor immediately if I were you.
It's enough to take more pills, right?
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I'm not sure about that.

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