Madness - Our House

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Sunday best
One's best and often most formal clothing.
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Odświętne ubranie
Sunday best - the best attire you have which is worn to church on Sunday.
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plaing up
my cars playing up it won't start. The kids are playing up downstairs.
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szleć/ nawalać
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na dole
Jess: sighing, he's the ideal man.
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hang around
My friends and I hang around at the corner bar.
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obijać się/ przesiadywać
slow down
Another way to say stop being so 'rude'.
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slow down!
Chav: Why are your jeans so tight? Normal Person: They're called skinny jeans... Chav: Slow down bruv.
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bruv / bro
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brachu / bro
see off
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