Madame Tussauds

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Domanda English Risposta English
to meet and spend time with sb
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to rub shoulders with sb
He loved his job because he got to rub shoulders with high-powered Hollywood stars.
to behave as if something is true
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She's not really hurt - she's only pretending.
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Could you slow down - I can't keep pace with you.
film with lots of famous actors
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a star studded film
something that you say before you say something that is unpleasant but true
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Let's face it
Let's face it, we're not going to win.
deal with problem
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face a problem
a length of time
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Unemployment in the first half of the year was 2.5 percent lower than in the same period the year before.
during the whole period of time
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He yawned throughout the performance.

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