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Household Waste Water
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Every time faucets are turned on and toilets are flushed, precious water is wasted.
An average family of four uses the equivalent of two baths of water every day just flushing the toilet.
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Some African tribes have not enough water to clean themselves e. g Himba people
Himba women especially, as well as Himba men, are remarkably famous for covering themselves with otjize paste
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a cosmetic mixture of butterfat and ochre pigment, to cleanse the skin over long periods due to water scarcity and protect themselves
protect themselves from the extremely hot and dry climate of the Kaokoland as well as against mosquito insect bites
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The Himba are also accustomed to use wood ash for hair cleansing due to water scarcity
They slowly burn certain aromatic herbs and resins and use the smoke created to perfume and clean themselves
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How should it be
• All people should have an access to clean water
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• People should not waste water(taking long bath, flushing the toilet)
• All people should take a bath(
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women from some African tribes do not use water to clean their body at all e. g Himba people)
• Each government should provide secure access to clean water
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• We should rather taking a shower than a bath to save water;
A bath uses an average of 80 liters of water, while a (non-power) shower uses only around 30 liters of water
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• We should turn the tap off while brushing teeth

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