Level 2 (Week 1)

 0    48 schede    piotrbartman1
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Domanda English Risposta English
shivering fingers
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trembling fingers
to speak unclearly
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to mutter
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someone that you can't rely on
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gready, unkind, unpleasant, malicious
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to miss
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to be homesick for
a bloke
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a fellow
to shout a lot
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to howl
to hit sb with a short divice
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to stab with
to watch with an impression
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to watch in wonder
to divide
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to part
a continuous moving strip or surface that is used for transporting objects from one place to another
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conveyor belt
a machine which segregates paper
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a paper mill
a variety of possible ways in using sth
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an array of uses
związany w pęczki
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tied in bundles
a very strong paralysing sorrow
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an overwhelming grief
shivers on one's back
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pins and needles ran up the back of her neck
to make a low sound
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to hum
ataki kichania
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fits of sneezes
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a mass of diseased cells
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a tumour
because of stress
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due to stress
narzekać na
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to complain of
sth that you can achieve
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very close friends
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soul mates
to tremble from cold
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to shiver from cold
a floor made from tiles
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tiled floor
to wish for sth to have happened or not hava happened
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to regret for
czuć smutek z powodu straty / to feel grief because of the loss
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to feel sorrow for the loss
only, just, solely
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sth that cannot be avoided
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a state of being inevitable
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to cry with big teardrops
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to sob tears
to comfort sb
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to provide solace
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painful eyes
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sore eyes
a friend on which you can rely
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a concerned friend
a broken voice
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a horase voice
w zamroczeniu
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to take a short sleep
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to doze off
comforting voice
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soothing voice
zmarszczone brwi
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eyebrows furrowed
napad śmiechu
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a fit of giggles
to take a revenge
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to get back at sb
supposed, expected
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the sound given off by high-heeled shoes
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the sound of heels
very unpleasant noise of moving a furniture
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chairs screeched against the floor

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