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when everybody votes in the same way (jednomyślny) inizia ad imparare
not depending upon any terms or conditions (bezwarunkowy) inizia ad imparare
mentioned later in this document (niżej wymieniony) inizia ad imparare
the person or people who have signed the document in which the word undershigned is used (niżej podpisany) inizia ad imparare
a serious promise to do sth [zobowiązanie, przedsięwzięcie] inizia ad imparare
a person who has been declared bankrupt and has not yet been released from this status (dłużnik o nieuchylonej upadłości) inizia ad imparare
improper pressure from one party that is stronger because of its position inizia ad imparare
about sth that cannot be enforced (nie do wyegzekwowania) inizia ad imparare
completely clear and without any possibility of doubt (jednoznaczny) inizia ad imparare
dismissal that is not fair because of our feelings inizia ad imparare
about sth that is binding upon one party (jednostronny) inizia ad imparare
damages that are awarded when the claim was not for a fixed amount, the court decides how much should be paid inizia ad imparare
about sth that has never happened before (bez precedensu) inizia ad imparare
without any guarantee of repayment inizia ad imparare
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money invested in a business in order to make a profit for the investor (kapitał udziałowy) inizia ad imparare
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about sth that is legally binding (obowiązujący, ważny) inizia ad imparare
an estimate of how much sth is worth (wycena) inizia ad imparare
– other name given to an oral contract inizia ad imparare
repeating the actual words that were spoken or written when discussing a situation from the past (dosłownie) inizia ad imparare
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to check sb’s past activites to make sure that they are suitable for sth, particularly a job (sprawdzać) inizia ad imparare
about sth that has the potential to work succesfully (opłacalny) inizia ad imparare
invalid, about sth that has no legal effect (nieważny) inizia ad imparare
about sth that is done from choice and not because you are obliged or forced to do it inizia ad imparare
to state that you will be responsible for the behaviour of another person (ręczyć za kogoś) inizia ad imparare
to formally give up a right (zrzekać się) inizia ad imparare
1) a guarantee, 2) less important provision of a contract inizia ad imparare
the reasonable deterioraton caused to sth when it is used over a long period of time (zyżycie) inizia ad imparare
„of any sort or amount” (jakikolwiek) inizia ad imparare
buying large quantities of goods and then selling them to other for distribution inizia ad imparare
testament, legal document in which person gives insstructions how his property should be distributed after his death inizia ad imparare
1) to bring and activity to and end, 2) put a company into liquidation (kończyć, zamykać) inizia ad imparare
1) to take money out of a bank account, 2) to take back an offer (wypłacać, rezygnować) inizia ad imparare
to decide not to pay though you have to, to refuse to do sth, until sth is done in return (wstrzymywać) inizia ad imparare
with no harm to (bez uszczerbku) inizia ad imparare
1) to see sth happening, 2) person who see sth happening (świadek) inizia ad imparare
to cancel sth because you have accpeted that you’re not going to recieve it (umarzać) inizia ad imparare
1) money produced as an investment, 2) to produce money inizia ad imparare
large area that differs from other areas around (strefa, rejon) inizia ad imparare