Letters: A-C

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Domanda English Risposta English
to remove sth because it is causing a disturbance to other people (dosł. zmniejszać)
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comply with (przestrzegać czegoś)
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Abide by
to oficially end sth or stop sth (znosić, obalać)
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to refrain from doing sth, especially voting (wstrzymywać się)
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agreement to the offer, to enter into legal realationship (przyjęcie)
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about a person who is responsible for sth (odpowiedzialny)
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sth that grows larger (accumulates) over a period of time (przyrost)
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natural disaster that could not be predicted, it unables a party to perform the contract, sometimes known as a kind of force majeure (siła wyższa)
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Act of God
to postpone (odraczać)
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about sth that can be admitted by court as evindence in a case (dopuszczalny)
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money that is owed but sb has not paid on time (zaległości płatnicze)
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to certify (świadczyć o czymś)
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decide the amount of money that sholud be given to sb, name of this money (odszkodowanie)
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to forbid sth
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about a person who is not able to pay his debts
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in England, the collective name for the profession of barrister (adwokatura)
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in advance (wcześniej, z wyprzedzeniem)
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person who benefits (spadkobierca, beneficjent)
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to decide not to cooperate with sb, name of list which shows people with who you don’t want to cooperate (czarna lista; umieszczać...)
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Blacklist (v,n)
in good faith
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Bone fide
to take sth from sb with their permission and use it for a period of time before returning
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– informal word, to return a cheque to the person who has tried to cash it because there is not enough money on the account (act of a bank) (nie mieć pokrycia, odmówić realizacji czeku)
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name or a symbol that indefines a seller’s goods or services in the market
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to break the contract, failure to perform the contract
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Breach (v,n)
plan of future income and expenditure
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organisation that lends money to buy a house
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Building society
duty and responsibility to prove sth (ciężar dowodu)
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Burden of proof
ability to enter into legal relationship
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all assets of a business
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permission given to sb that allows him to make all of the decisions in a certain situation
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Carte blanche
„let the buyer beware”, buyer is responsible for chceking if the good that he buys is in good condition ("niech kupujący się strzeże)
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Caveat emptor
to declare sth officially in writting (zaświadczyć)
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person who presides over a metting (przewodniczący)
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organisation which benefits the general public and does not make a profit
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to summon someone to appear in court (wzywać do sądu)
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to start legal action before court, the document that starts legal action
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Claim (v,n)
to force sb to do sth (zmuszać)
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to call, especcially a meeting (zwoływać)
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To convene
a promise or agreement to do sth (konwencja, porozumienie)
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to have or give protection, usulally under a insurace policy (kryć, ubezpieczać)
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Cover (v,n)
an agreement allowing for delayed payment
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